Matlab function library
1411: 2007-08-01.
A a
ABS absolute values, modulus, and ASCII code values of characters
ACOS inverse cosine
Acosh inverse hyperbolic cosine
Acot arccot
Acoth inverse cotangent
ACSC arccsc
Acsch inverse cosecant
Align starts the graphic object geometry location tool
All all elements are nonzero and true
Angle phase angle
Default variable name for the result of the ANS expression calculation
Any all elements are not whole zero to be true
Area surface area graph
Argnames function M file quantity name
ASEC cut anyway
Asech inverse hyperbolic secant
Asin anti sine
Asinh inverse hyperbolic sine
Assignin assign values to variables
Atan tangent
Atan2 four quadrant inverse tangentmatlab二进制字符串转数组
Atanh inverse hyperbolic tangent
Autumn red, yellow and autumn scenery
Axes creates low-level instructions for axis objects
The axis controls the axis, scale, and style of the high-level instructions
Bar two-dimensional histogram
Bar3 3D histogram
Bar3h 3D horizontal histogram
Barh two-dimensional horizontal histogram
Base2dec X decimal to decimal
BIN2DEC binary to decimal
Blanks creates a string of spaces
Bone blue black and white color map array
Box frame coordinate axis
Break, while, or for ring interrupt instruction
Brighten brightness control
Capture the current graphics before capture (version 3)
Cart2pol rectangular coordinates change to polar or cylindrical coordinates
Cart2sph rectangular coordinates into spherical coordinates
Cat string into a high dimensional array
Caxis color scale calibration
CD specifies the current directory
Cdedit starts the user menu, the control callback function design tool
Cdf2rdf complex eigenvalue diagonal matrix turns into real block diagonal matrix
Ceil rounding toward positive infinity
Cell creates a cell array
The cell2struct cell array is converted to an array of frames
Celldisp shows the contents of the cell array
Internal structure diagram of cellplot cell array
Char converts values, symbols, and inline classes to character objects
Cumulative probability function of chi2cdf distribution
Inverse cumulative probability function of chi2inv distribution
Chi2pdf distribution probability density function
Chi2rnd distribution random number generator
Chol Cholesky decomposition
Clabel equipotential line identifier
CLA clears the current axis
Class learns object categories or creates objects CLC clear instruction window
Clear clears memory variables and functions
CLF clear drawing objects
Clock clock
Colorcube three color crossed color map matrix Colordef sets color default values
Colormap color chart
The base of a colspace column space
Close closes the specified window
Colperm column sort permutation vector