of, from, in, on, to, at, for, with的动词
accuse of(控告);  approve of(赞成);      assure of(让⋯⋯放心); beware of(谨防);
boast of/about(夸耀)complain of/about(埋怨);consist of(由⋯⋯组成);convince of/about(使信服)
cure of(治愈);    despair of(丧失⋯⋯希望);dream of/about(幻想);expect of/from(期望);
hear of/from(听到⋯⋯消息); be/get rid of(摆脱); smell of(闻到); suspect of(对⋯⋯猜疑);
think of/about(思考);tired of(对⋯⋯感到厌烦);warn of/against(警告⋯⋯有危险)
例:Someone must warm him of the difficulties. 必须有人提醒他有这些困难。
He has already been warned of them. 他已经被警告过了。
Don’t expect too much of your child.
He must have spoken of the matter to John.
I have never heard of the actress.
2、后接 from的动词:
borrow from(从⋯⋯借);defend from/against (保护⋯⋯使免于);demand from/of(向⋯⋯要求);
differ from(有别于);dismiss from(解雇);draw from(从⋯⋯中得出);emerge from(从⋯⋯出现);
escape from(从⋯⋯逃出);excuse from/for(允许不⋯⋯);hinder from(阻止);prevent from(妨碍);
prohibit from(不准许);protect from/against(向⋯⋯提抗议);receive from(接到);
separate from(把⋯⋯分开);suffer from(受难)
例:He has already received money from three aunts. 他已经收到三个姑妈的钱了
He borrowed three books from Mary.
He always asked for help from parents.
believe in(信仰);delight in(喜欢);employ(ed) in (从事);encourage in(鼓励);
engage(d) in(正做);experience(d) in(在⋯⋯有经验);fail in(没有尽到);help in/with(帮助);
include in(包括);indulge in(沉醉);instruct in(教导);interest(ed) in(对⋯⋯感兴趣);
invest in(投资);involved in(卷入);persist in(坚持);share in(分享)
例:She delights in working hard. 她喜欢努力工作。
He failed in his French test. 他法语考试没有通过。
Jack helped me in driving the sheep home. 杰克帮我把羊赶回家。
Mrs. Turner is experienced in teaching. 特纳夫人很有教学经验。
4、后接 on的动词:
act on(遵守);based on(在⋯⋯基础上);call on(拜访);comment on(评论);
concentrate on(集中于);congratulate on(祝贺);consult on/about(商量);
count on(依赖);decide on(决定);depend on(依靠);economize on(节约);
embark on(从事);experiment on(尝试);insist on(坚持);lean on/against(倚靠于⋯⋯);
live on(靠⋯⋯为生);operate on(起作用);perform on/in(扮演);pride(oneself) on(为⋯⋯感到自豪);
rely on(依靠);vote on a motion/for someone(对⋯⋯表决(投⋯⋯的票));, write on/about(写⋯⋯的事);.
例:I think he wrote on the cost of living. 我想他写的是关于生活费用方面的。
He finally decided on going home. 他最后决定回家。
You can’t live on fruit only. 你不能只吃水果。
Last Sunday, we called on Mr. Dupont.
accustom(ed) to(习惯于);amount to(达到);appeal to(呼吁);apply to /for(适用于);attach(ed) to(附属于);
object toattend to(参加);belong to(属于);challenge to(向⋯⋯提出挑战);compare to /with(比较);
condemn(ed) to(判刑);confess to(承认);confine to(限制);consent to(同意);convert to(改信(某宗教));
entitle(d) to(享有权利);listen to(听);mention to(提到);object to(反对);occur to(想到);
prefer to(更喜欢);react to /against(对⋯⋯反应);reply to(回答);respond to(响应);see to(注意);
submit to(服从于); surrender to(向⋯⋯投降);turn to(转向);yield to(屈服)。
例:I prefer listening to music to reading newspapers.
Will you see to this flower while I’m away? 我不在的时候你照看一下这花好吗?
I shall see to the dinner tonight. 今晚我做晚饭。
6、与 at 连用的动词:
amused at/by(对⋯⋯感到有趣);arrive at/in(到达);astonish (ed) at/ by(感到惊愕);exclaim at(惊叫);
glance at(对⋯⋯看一眼);guess at(猜测);knock at(敲);look at(看);pointat /to(指向);
shock(ed) at / by(感到震惊);stare at(盯着⋯⋯看);surprise(d) at /by(感到惊讶);wonderat/about(感到惊异);
work at/on(钻研)。
at 通常用于表达感情的一些词之后,并且这些词往往用被动语态,at 用于其它动词之后一般为主动语
例:He was astonished at what he found.
Dan was both surprised and amused at the news.
7、与 for连用的动词:
account for(说明(原因));ask for/of(请求);act for/on(代表);apologize for(因⋯而道歉);blame for(责备);
beg for(乞求);call for(需要);charge for(收费);exchange for(交换);hope for(希望);look for(寻);
mistake for(误认为);mourn for(哀悼);pay for(为⋯⋯付款);prepare for(准备);provide for(提供);
search for(寻求);thank for(感谢);vote for/on 投票支持;wait for/on(等候)。
例:He was searched for the stolen money.
Can you account for his strange behavious ?
8、与 with连用的动词:
agree with(同意);begin with(以⋯⋯开始);communicate with(与⋯⋯联络);compare with/to(与⋯⋯比较);
compete with/against(同⋯⋯竞争);comply with(同意;confuse with(误作);contrast with/to(形成对照);
cope with(对付);correspond with(与⋯⋯一致);disgust(ed) with(使⋯⋯讨厌);finish with(完成);
help with/ in(帮助);interfere with/in(干扰);mix with(混合);occupy(ied) with(从事于);
part with(放弃);please(d) with(对⋯⋯满意);quarrel with/about(争论);reason with(规劝);
satisfy (fied) with/by(感到满足);threaten (ed) with(威胁)。
例:I’m pleased with this room.
Sam used to mix with those people. 萨姆过去常与那些人交往。
We’ll begin with the exercises. 我们从练习开始。
