1. Please explain SDLC and the phases of SDLC.
SDLC is a disciplined and systematic software development method
Feasibility analysis; requirement analysis and specification; design; coding; testing; maintenance
2. What is Waterfall Approach; list all the phases with explanation and draw Waterfall approach diagram?
Is a linear nature ,once on second phase you can not come back;
Conponent; initiation; analysis; design; construction; integration and testing; implementation and maintenance;
3. What is Spiral Approach, list all the phases of spiral approach and draw the Diagram for the same?
Interaction nature
Customer communication; planning; risk analysis; engineering; constroction and release; customer evaluation;
4. List all UML Diagrams, Draw and Explain three diagrams?
Use case; class; object; communication; sequence; state machine; activity; package; component; deployment; timing; composite structural; interaction overview
5. What is business modeling and System modeling?
Before you make a software you have to learn business;example(hospital)
After you learn the business, you should work on system software,in system modeling you have make    SCD
6. Please explain the various views of a software system.
Use case; design; process; implementation; deployment
7. How to identify classes and object.
8. What is difference between abstract class and interface?
Do not support multiple inheritance         
A class cannot inherit more than one abstract class
    Contains attributes and method
Provide the definition of some of its method
    Is used in the same package
Support multiple inheritance
A class can implement more than one interface
Contains only method
    Provide any definition
Can be realized across multiple package
9. What is difference between extend relationship and include relationship among use cases?
    Class father                          class address
class child:father                        {
                                            string city;
                                            public void city
                                        Class student
                                            Int phon;
                                            Address a;
object to10. What is the difference between aggregation and composition?
    Student<belongs to> classroom        student<has>account
12. What is Difference between Static modeling and Dynamic modeling?
    Represent static and structural constituents of a system
    Include class and object diagram
    Helps depicting relationship and dependency between constituents of system
    Represent the behavior of static constituents of a system
    Include interaction, activity and static diagram
    Helps expressing and modeling the behavior of system order a period of time
13. How to group use cases into package?
    Group related use cases
    Group use cases based on actor that use then
14. How to group classes into package?
    (1)package the class that belongs to the same inheritance hierarchy
        Package the class that related through composition relationship
        Package the class that collaborate and interact with each other to realize use case
15. How to creating state machine diagram?
16. Please explain Sequential Substates and Concurrent Substates.
    Sequence: when the object exists in multiple substates at the same time
    Concurrent: when the object exists in two substates at a given time
17. What is Framework and Pattern, .List all Different types of Pattern in Order
    Framework: contains many class and functions which can use again and again
    Pattern: set rules which can used to be solve a given problem
    GRASP: expert, creator, controller
    GOF: creational: factory, builder, singleton
          Structor: composite, proxy, decorator, facade
          Behavioral: chain of responsibility, command, observer
18. Please explain the quality process.
    Quality of the software development process
    Quality of the software model
    Quality of the software product that at the end of the software deployment process
    Quality of the software process itself
