2015 年中考英语二轮专题训练    阅读理解
Do you like reading? Nowadays the Internet provides people with a lot of information, including reading materials. But if you read in the smallest library in the world, you will feel quite different.
The smallest library in the world has appeared on
the streets of New York City. The Little Free Library has space for just one reader at a time. It was set up in a neighborhood in Manhattan(曼哈顿 ). There are only 40 books in the library. In fact it is not a house but a plastic structure( 建筑物 ). Two architects(建筑师 )Marcelo Ertorteguy and Sara Valente designed such a structure.
The library was built from recycled materials, a plastic water tank( )and a wooden struct
ure. It looks like an umbrella so that all the books in it can be protected from bad weather. There are also some holes outside of the structure. They allow readers to look in before they go into the library.
We are interested in recycled materials, but what we find the most interesting is giving old materials new functions(功能 ), said Mr Ertorteguy.
Since the library was set up, it has drawn a lot of visitors. The Little Free Library idea came into being three years ago. The idea soon started spreading all over the United States. Later some areas of Europe, Africa and Asia followed its example.
The library aims to help people take a break from the pace of life in the city by

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relaxing with a good story.
1.Where is the smallest library in the world? A. In a neighborhood in Manhattan, US.
B. In a small city in England. C. In a village in China.
D. In a neighborhood in Australia.
2. The holes outside of the library
object to
A. can help readers to see books inside more clearly
【出处: 21
B. can help readers to see if there are any books they want C. can help readers to breathe fresh air
D. can help people outside see if there is anyone in the library
3. The smallest library looks like an umbrella so that    .
A. people can stay in it when it is raining
B. it can draw more visitors to read books in it
C. it can stop bad weather from damaging the books
D. it can stop naughty kids from throwing books here and there
4.What does Mr Ertorteguy think is the most interesting thing about the library? A. More and more readers come here.
B. All of the books are very interesting. C. It is the smallest library in the world. D. Old materials are given new functions.
5. The purpose of building such a small library is    .
