1.You'd better __________ hard from now on, __________ you will fail the exam.
A.work; and    B.working; or    C.working; and    D.work; or
2.To my joy, we_________ go to the bank. Mary has lent us some money.
A.shouldn’t    B.needn’t    C.couldn’t    D.wouldn’t
3.—Must the children leave at six tomorrow morning?
—No, they _______. They can have more time to get ready for the trip.
A.can’t    B.needn’t    C.mustn’t    D.may not
4.— Why didn’t you tell it to me earlier?
— Why ________ I? I want to have my own secret.
A.can    B.may    C.should    D.shall
5.—Hurry up, Jack! Let’s cross the road as fast as possible.
—No, you ________. Don’t you see the light is still red?
A.couldn’t    B.wouldn’t    C.mustn’t    D.needn’t
6.—Be careful! Fire ________ be dangerous sometimes.
—OK. I will put it out right away.
A.mustn’t    B.should    C.can    D.needn’t
7.—Will my car be ready by the end of the day?
—It ________ be, sir. I’ll call if there’s any problem.
A.must    B.could    C.shall    D.should
8.We shouldn’t throw any objects from the building. Even a small object ________ cause serious injuries or death, when dropped from a great height.
A.must    B.should    C.may    D.need
9.You  ________  require others to do with the problem like you. Everyone has his own way.
A.mustn’t    B.needn’t    C.may not    D.shouldn’t
10.— Is Lang Lang going to perform at Art Center this Friday?
— Yes. It ________ be him. He has been here for three days.
A.might    B.must    C.mustn’t    D.may
11.Hurry up, or we ________ miss the beginning of the film.
A.should    B.must    C.may    D.have to
12.—Where is Tom? I am considering ________ him about the result of the exam.
—Oh. You ________. He has known it already.
A.to tell; can't    B.telling; needn't    C.tell; mustn't    D.told; shouldn't
13.— Mom, must I clean my room now?
— No, you ________. You can do it after dinner.
A.needn’t    B.mustn’t    C.shouldn’t    D.can’t
14.The boy is very brave.I ________ he ________ the tall tree.
A.dare say; dares to climb
B.dare to say; dare climbing
C.dare saying; dares climb
D.dare to say; dares climbed
object to15.—Amy, I hear you've got many foreign coins._______ I have a look?
—Of course, I'll fetch them for you.
A.May    B.Must
C.Should    D.Need
16.You ______ pay too much attention to your pronunciation, as it is so important in the oral(口头的) test.
A.shouldn’t    B.mustn’t    C.can’t    D.needn’t
17.—Shall we go camping this summer holiday?
—Nothing________be better.
A.should    B.could    C.must    D.may
18.—Would you please________in that way? That’s not safe!
—Sorry. I won’t do it any more.
A.not driving    B.not to drive    C.no driving    D.not drive
19.— Ready? Let’s get started, Martin.
— Swimming? I just ________ get used to it in winter.
A.can’t    B.needn’t    C.mustn’t    D.shouldn’t
20.—Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green?
—Yes, I am afraid we ________. That’s the traffic rule.
A.may    B.can    C.have to    D.need
21.— Excuse me. I haven’t finished reading the book yet. May I keep it a bit longer?
— Sorry, you ________. You must return it on time.
A.needn’t    B.can’t    C.won’t    D.shouldn’t
22.— What is that young lady’s job?
— She ________ be a nurse, I’m not sure.
A.must    B.may    C.need    D.would
23.We've discussed every detail of this plan and have got everything ready. But still something ________ go wrong. We still have to be very careful.
A.must    B.should    C.would    D.may
24.—Is that Mr Zhou?
—It ________ be him. He has gone to Beijing.
A.can    B.may    C.can’t    D.shouldn’t
25.Never throw objects from the building. Even a small object ________ cause serious injuries, or death, when dropped from a great height.
A.must    B.should    C.may    D.need
26.— Mum, why do I have to wash hands so many times a day?
—You ________ be too careful, for your health.
A.can’t    B.mustn’t    C.may not    D.needn’t
27.—Will Jim come to Yangzhou for a holiday?
—He ________come and it depends on how much homework he will have.
A.may    B.should    C.must    D.need
28.—Is it usually warm in Yancheng in May?
​—Yes. But it _______ be rather cold sometimes.
A.must    B.should    C.would    D.can
29.—I must go to school today, ________?
—No, you ________.You can go as soon as you get well.
A.mustn’t I;needn’t    B.needn’t I;needn’t
C.mustn’t I;mustn’t    D.needn’t I;mustn’t
30.—Shall I tell him the change of the time right now?
—I’m afraid you ________, otherwise he will be late for the meeting.
A.can    B.may    C.must    D.need
31.A hard-working man ________ become a great scientist, but a great scientist ________ be a hard-working man.
