1.1 Common Schematic / PCB Editor Shortcuts
SHIFT | While autopanning to pan at higher speed 自动平移时加速平移 |
Y | While placing an object to flip it along the Y-axis 放置物体时沿Y轴翻转 |
X | While placing an object to flip it along the X-axis 放置物体时沿X轴翻转 |
CTRL + SHIFT + ↑ ↓ ← → | Move selection ten grid increments in direction of arrow key 将被选择的物体向箭头的方向移动十个网格的增量 |
SHIFT + ↑ ↓ ← → | Move cursor ten grid increments in direction of arrow key 将光标向箭头的方向移动十个网格的增量 |
CTRL + ↑ ↓ ← → | Move selection one grid increment in direction of arrow key 将被选择的物体向箭头的方向移动一个网格的增量 |
↑ ↓ ← → | Move cursor one grid increment in direction of arrow key 将光标向箭头的方向移动一个网格的增量 |
ESC | Escape from current process 退出当前项目 |
END | Redraw the screen 刷新屏幕 |
HOME | Redraw screen with center at the cursor point 以光标点为中心刷新屏幕 |
CTRL + HOME | Jump to absolute origin (lower left corner of workspace) 跳到绝对原点(工作区左下角) |
CTRL + Mouse-wheel down (or PAGE DOWN) | Zoom out 缩小 |
CTRL + Mouse-wheel up (or PAGE UP) | Zoom in around cursor (zooms around cursor, position the cursor first) 围绕光标放大(先定位光标,再进行缩放) |
Mouse-wheel | Pan up/down 向上或下平移 |
SHIFT + Mouse-wheel | Pan left/right 向左或右平移 |
A | Display Align sub-menu 显示排列子菜单 |
Bobject to | Display Toolbars sub-menu 显示工具栏子菜单 |
J | Display Jump sub-menu 显示跳转子菜单 |
K | Display Workspace Panels sub-menu 显示工作区面板子菜单 |
M | Display Move sub-menu 显示移动子菜单 |
O | Pop-up right-click Options menu 弹出右键单击的选项菜单 |
S | Display Select sub-menu 显示选择子菜单 |
X | Display DeSelect sub-menu 显示取消子菜单 |
Z | Pop-up menu with zoom commands 弹出缩放命令菜单 |
CTRL + Z | Undo 复原 |
CTRL + Y | Redo 重做 |
CTRL + A | Select all 全选 |
CTRL + C (or CTRL + INSERT) | Copy 复制 |
CTRL + X (or SHIFT + DELETE) | Cut 剪切 |
CTRL + V (or SHIFT + INSERT) | Paste 粘贴 |
CTRL + R | Copy to clipboard and repeat paste selected objects (Rubber Stamp) 复制到剪贴板和重复粘贴选定对象(橡皮图章) |
CTRL + R then ESC | Re-enters Rubber Stamp mode using the current clipboard content 使用当前剪贴板的内容重新进入橡皮图章模式 |
CTRL + Q | Access the Selection Memory dialog 进入选择性存储对话框 |
ALT | Constrain object movement horizontally or vertically 水平或垂直约束物体移动 |
DELETE | Delete selection 删除物体 |
V, D | View document 查看文档 |
V, F | View fit placed objects 查看适合放置物体 |
X, A | De-select all 取消全选 |
Right-click & hold | Display slider hand & slide view 显示滑动手型&滑动显示 |
Left-click | Select/deselect object under cursor 选择或取消光标下的物体 |
Right-click | Pop-up floating menu, or escape from current operation 弹出浮动菜单,或者退出当前操作 |
Right-click on object, select Find Similar | Load object under cursor into Find Similar Objects dialog 选择光标下的物体进到查相似对象对话框 |
Left-click, hold & drag | Select inside area 选择内部区域 |
Left-click & hold | Move object/selection under cursor 移动光标下物体或对象 |
Left Double-click | Edit object 编辑对象 |
SHIFT + Left-click | Add/remove object from selection set 从选择设置里添加或删除对象 |
TAB | Edit attributes while placing 放置对象时编辑属性 |
SHIFT + C | Clear current Filter 清除当前过滤器 |
SHIFT + F | Click on object to display Find Similar Objects dialog 单击对象显示查相似对象对话框 |
Y | Pop-up Quick Queries menu 弹出快速查询菜单 |
F11 | Toggle Inspector panel on/off 切换检查面板开启或关闭 |
F12 | Toggle Filter panel on/off 切换过滤器面板开启或关闭 |
SHIFT + F12 | Toggle List panel on/off 切换列表面板开启或关闭 |
ALT + F5 | Toggle full screen mode 切换全屏模式 |
, Left-click | Cross probe to matching object on target document, stay remaining in source document 在目标文件交叉探测匹配对象,其余的留在源文件 |
, CTRL + Left-click | Cross probe and jump to matching object on target, jumping to target document 交叉探测并跳转到匹配的目标对象,跳转到目标文件 |
SHIFT + CTRL + T | Align selected objects by top edges 沿上边缘排列选择对象 |
SHIFT + CTRL + L | Align selected objects by left edges 沿左边缘排列选择对象 |
SHIFT + CTRL + R | Align selected objects by right edges 沿右边缘排列选择对象 |
SHIFT + CTRL + B | Align selected objects by bottom edges 沿底边缘排列选择对象 |
SHIFT + CTRL + H | Distribute selected objects equally in horizontal plane 在水平面上均匀分布 |
SHIFT + CTRL + V | Distribute selected objects equally in vertical plane 在垂直面上均匀分布 |
SHIFT + CTRL + D | Align selected objects to grid 选择的对象与网格对齐 |
CTRL + n (n=1 to 8) | Store current selection in memory location n 在n位置内存中存储当前选择 |
ALT + n (n=1 to 8) | Recall selection from memory location n 从n位置内存中调用选择 |
SHIFT + n (n=1 to 8) | Add current selection to selection already stored in memory location n 添加当前选择到已存储的n位置内存中 |
SHIFT + ALT + n (n=1 to 8) | Recall selection from memory location n and add it to current selection in workspace 从n位置内存中调用选择并且添加到工作区中当前的选择上 |
SHIFT + CTRL + n (n=1 to 8) | Apply filtering based on selection set in memory location n. 基于n位置内存中的选择应用过滤 |
1.2 Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
G | Cycle through snap grid settings 通过单元格设置循环 |
F2 | Edit in-place 在适当的位置编辑 |
CTRL + PAGE DOWN | Fit all objects into view 查看所有对象 |
SPACEBAR | Rotate counterclockwise by 90 degrees while moving an object 移动物体时逆时针旋转90度 |
SPACEBAR | Toggle start/end mode while placing a wire/bus/line 放置线/总线/线条时切换开始或结束模式 |
, SPACEBAR | Toggle pen color while using highlighting pens 使用高亮笔时切换笔的颜 |
SHIFT + SPACEBAR | Rotate clockwise by 90 degrees while moving an object 移动物体时顺时针旋转90度 |
SHIFT + SPACEBAR | Cycle Step through placement modes while placing a wire/bus/line 放置线/总线/线条时通过放置模式循环步骤 |
CTRL + SPACEBAR | Rotate counterclockwise by 90 degrees while dragging an object 拖动对象时逆时针旋转90度 |
SHIFT + CTRL + SPACEBAR | Rotate clockwise by 90 degrees while dragging an object 拖动对象时顺时针旋转90度 |
, CTRL + Left-click on port or sheet entry | Highlight connection/net on target sheet while using highlighting pens 使用高亮笔时在目标表格上高亮连接或网络 |
SHIFT + CTRL + C | Clear all highlighting applied by highlighting pens 使用高亮笔清除所有高亮应用 |
BACKSPACE | Remove the last vertex when placing a wire/bus/line/polygon 放置线/总线/线条/铜皮时移除上一个顶点 |
Left-click, hold + DELETE | When a wire is selected to delete a vertex 选中线时删除顶点 |
Left-click, hold + INSERT | When a wire is selected to add a vertex 选中线时添加顶点 |
CTRL + Left-click & drag | Drag object 拖动对象 |
Left-click in Navigator panel | Cross probe to object on schematic document 在原理图上交叉探测对象 |
ALT + Left-click in Navigator panel | Cross probe to object on both schematic document and PCB 在原理图和PCB上同时交叉探测对象 |
ALT + Left-click on net object | Highlight all elements in net on sheet 把网络上所有元素高亮 |
CTRL + Double Left-click | On sheet symbol to descend hierarchy 在图表符号上降低层次 |
CTRL + Double Left-click | On port to ascend hierarchy 在端口上上升层次 |
+ (numeric keypad) | Enlarge IEEE symbol size during placement or movement 放置或移动时增大IEEE符号大小 |
- (numeric keypad) | Reduce IEEE symbol size during placement or movement 放置或移动时减小IEEE符号大小 |
CTRL + F | Find text 查文本 |
CTRL + H | Find and replace text 查和重新放置文本 |
F3 | Find next occurrence of searched text 查下一个出现的搜索文本 |
INSERT | Copy attributes of object under the cursor while placing an object of the same type 放置相同类型的对象时复制光标下对象的属性 |
S | Swap sheet entry side while moving one or more selected sheet entries 移动一个或多个选择图表入口时交换图表入口 |
V | Reverse sheet entry order while moving two or more selected sheet entries 选择两个或者多个选择图表入口时翻转图表入口命令 |
T | Toggle sheet entry IO type while moving one or more selected sheet entries 移动一个或多个选择图表入口时切换图表入口IO类型 |
T | Toggle all sheet entry IO types while resizing selected sheet symbol 调整选择图表符号时切换所有图表入口IO类型 |
T, P | Access Schematic - General page of Preferences dialog 进入原理图一般页面的选项对话框 |
1.3 PCB Editor Only Shortcuts