1.Individual sports are run by 370 independent governing bodies whose funtions usually include ______ rules, holding events, selecting national teams and promoting
international links.
A. drawing on
B. drawing in www.for68
C. drawing up
D. drawing down
2.Body paint or face paint is used mostly by men in pre-literate societies in order to attract good health or to ______ disease.
A. set aside
B. ward off
C. shrug off
D. give away
3.We object to the idea that it is military force that should be ______ in settling
international disputes.
A. applied to
B. resorted to
C. fallen back on
D. restrained from
4.Attendances at football matches have ______ since the coming of the television.
A. dropped in
B. dropped down
C. dropped off
D. dropped out

5.Although the false bank-notes fooled many people, they did not ______ to close examination.
A. look up
B. pay up
C. keep up
D. stand up
[ 答案]C
[ 译文 ] 单项体育活动由 370 个独立的管理机构掌管,他们的责任通常包括起草规则章程、举办赛事、选拔国家队和加强国际间的联系。
[ 答案解析 ]drawing up (起草,拟定)与 rules 形成语义关系,构成 draw up rules 表示 “起草章程 ”;draw on 意为 “利用,接近 ”;draw in 意为 “(白昼)渐短,汽车或火车到站 ”; draw down 意为 “引来,招致 ”。
[ 答案]B
[ 译文 ] 在温习出现以前的社会中,人们常常在身上或脸上画图以祈求健康或防止疾病。
[ 答案解析 ]ward off 意为 “防止,避开 ”;set aside 意为 “留出(时间、金钱等),不理会 ”;shrug off 意为 “对....满不在乎,对 ...不屑一顾 ”;give away 意为 “赠送,泄漏 ”。
[ 答案]B
[ 译文 ] 我们反对动用武力解决国际争端的主意。
[ 答案解析 ]resort to  意为 “诉诸于 .... be applied to sth 意为 “被应用于 .... fall back
on 意为 “退而求助,转而依靠 ”;restrain from    意为 “抑制,克制 ”。
[ 答案]C
[ 译文 ] 自从电视出现以后,现场观看足球比赛的人少了。

[ 答案解析 ]drop off (减少,减弱)指 “水平上降低或数量上减少了 ”;drop in 意为 “顺便拜访 ”;drop down 意为 “(道路、地面等)下降,降低 ”; drop out 意为 “退出,离队 ”。
[ 答案]D
[ 译文 ] 尽管这些骗过很多人,但是还是经不起细心的检测。
object to[ 答案解析 ]stand up to 意为 “经得起 ”;look up to 意为 “恭敬,敬仰 ”;keep up 意为“继续,坚持,维持 ”,不与介词 to 搭配; pay up 意为 “不情愿地付清,还清债务 ”,不与介词 to 搭配。
