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总计:    毕业论文   
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摘    要
系统采用B/S的设计模式,方便用户使用。系统采用MVC三层开发模式,视图层采用JSP进行设计,业务逻辑层采用Servlet,数据访问层采用JAVA语言进行实现。系统采用Sql Server 2008数据库以及Tomcat6.0服务器。

The rapid development of the Internet has affected every aspect of our lives, the Internet has its unique advantages to quickly penetrate into the more traditional areas. Food as a traditional sector is also subjected to the profound changes brought about by th
e Internet. Currently on the market do not have a food website integrated platform for each college campus and you can not highlight the culinary specialties of the school。 Internet use means to promote and facilitate the teachers and students on campus dining reservation, it is very necessary, and to introduce university campus food culture through the Internet also has a certain convenience and fun。 This system is the main line to the campus food, build a convenient platform for teachers and online ordering, online ordering available to teachers and students, to promote its campus food culture, and provide various restaurant job information function。
