DS-2019 Application - Instructions
Visiting Professors,  Research Scholars, Short Term Scholars and Specialists
NOTE:  Professors and Research Scholars may remain in the U.S. in J-1 status for up to three years.  In some limited instances, an extension beyond the three-year limit is possible.  Short Term Scholars may remain in the U.S. for a maximum of only six months and no extension of stay is permitted.  Specialists are limited to a stay of one year, with an extension possible only under exceptional circumstances and with Department of State approval. Therefore, it is important for the department to determine the duration of the proposed stay before completing this form.
Hosting UW-Madison Department:
Approves (after Dean/Division clearance as necessary) International Exchange Scholar invitation and J-visa request
Completes DS-2019 request form including attachments, as required
Forwards completed application packet to IFSS.
Processes completed application packet
Produces DS-2019 (approx. 10 working days)
Dispatches visitor’s DS-2019 packet as instructed by department
Upon visitor’s check-in at our office,  copies immigration documents/schedules orientation
iapp免费源码分享网站Takes DS-2019, passport, UW appointment/invitation letter, and any other required financi
al documents to U.S. Consulate to obtain J-1 visa stamp in passport;
Uses DS-2019 and passport with J-1 visa stamp to enter the U.S.
Checks-in with IFSS for required registration and to schedule orientation/welcome session
DS-2019 application (with all required attachments) may be dropped off, mailed or faxed (originals to follow by mail) to IFSS.  We will not process an incomplete application; instead, it will be returned to you for completion and resubmission. To avoid this, be sure to include:
    DS-2019 application form fully completed and signed by the department
    Copy of Dean/Division approval notice if applicable
    Copy of invitation/offer letter from the hosting UW-Madison Department on letterhead and signed
      If not 100% funded by UW-Madison, documentation of all other funding source(s): e.
g. letter(s) from official sponsor or
              official bank statement (in English or with English translation) on letterhead
      Copy of passport information page for J-1 scholar and all dependents
    For courier service delivery of DS-2019 to scholar: Completed airbill
Special Notes:
    For J-1 visa holders already in the U.S. a visa transfer may be required/allowed; contact IFSS for information.  If a transfer is permissible:  include copies of all DS-2019s for current (and past, if applicable) program(s), copy of passport expiration page, and copy of I-94 card.
    For visitors who are M.D.s: a "5 point" letter from the Chair and Director of Clinical Affairs is required if the visit will involve incidental patient contact.
Questions:  Ischolars@bascom.wisc.edu.  Or call IFSS at 265-4000
IAP-66 Application
Certificate of Eligibility for J-1 Scholar Visa:  Professor, Research Scholar, Short Term Scholar or Specialist   
To begin a J scholar program at UW-Madison (for scholar not in the U.S., or in U.S. on other J-1 program )
(For extension or updates, please contact IFSS for more information.)
NOTE:  Short Term Scholars may not stay in the U.S. for more than six months. No extension of stay is permitted.  If the total visit may extend beyond six months, please check here _____.
NOTE:  Names of J-1 scholar and all dependents must appear exactly as in current passport.
Section 1:    Information about the Scholar (Department or visitor may complete. Please Print Clearly.)
Name ____________________________  ______________________________  _____________________
last/family                    first/given                middle
Gender ()      Male    Female            Date of Birth    
City of Birth                         Country of Birth    
Citizenship*                          Country of Permanent Residence    
*If scholar has dual citizenship, list country of passport in use for this visit.
Title/position in home country    
Institution/employer in home county ______________________________________________
Highest (equivalent) degree held by visitor () Ph.D. Masters MD  other (list)____________________
Visitor ( has    has not  previously been in the U.S. in J-1 or J-2 status.
If “has,” list dates of program(s), and  Attach: copy of all previous IAP-66 forms.
