Your country, because of extensive traffic congestion, is trying to repair its railroad infrastructure, which is in decay. You are the program manager to do so, and your program’s goal is to be able to increase the use of passenger trains as an alternative to driving. As you prepare your charter to improve the infrastructure of railroads in your country, you know your program will generate a lot of information. You want to ensure that the information you collect can be easily collected, shared and maintained. To do so effectively in your charter you used these data to—
A. Ensure stakeholder satisfaction
B. Promote knowledge transfer
C. Establish an easily accessible knowledge repository
D. Secure funding for an information resource management specialist on your core team
You have recently joined a corporation that is a leader in the development of products for the automotive
industry. You are pleased to be selected as a program manager, because you know that this company has established a culture of management by programs. The company operates within a program management structure, and each program manager is responsible for products in certain years. To best align your program with your stakeholders’ expectations, this means that—
A. You should include this item in your program charter
B. In performing a stakeholder analysis, you need to consider the other program managers
C. The way the organization is structured means that there is no need to compete for resources
D. The roadmap is essential
Assume you decide to conduct an initial scope assessment before you prepare your program management plan and other plans required for your program. You recognize such an assessment can be useful to determine the boundaries of your program as you do not want to have any scope creep on your program, and you want to communicate these boundaries to your stakeholders through their inclusion in your program charter. But to include the results of this scope assessment in your charter, y
ou first need to—
A. Obtain approval from your sponsor through the portfolio management activities
B. Ask your sponsor for his approval
C. Obtain approval from your program steering committee
D. Consult with your key stakeholders
One of your weakest areas as a project manager and now as a program manager is risk management. You know it is a necessity to be proficient in this area and especially to then
be able to look at a potential risk, do some critical thinking about it, and then turn it into an opportunity. You decided to take a course at your local University on risk management and read three leading books on risk management. You then decided to take the Project Management Institute’s Risk Management Professional certification exam, and you passed. Now, as you work to manage the major program in your government agency, you just completed your risk register, which shows—
A. You are next developing an initial risk assessment
B. You are next developing your program risk management plan
C. You are considered the subject matter expert in the agency n risk management
D. You are now taking each risk in the risk register and determining its impact to the program’s objectives
Although you are new to program management in your oil company, you have a long history of working on large programs in the aviation field. Plus, you have your PgMP. When you joined the oil company, you were asked to take over an oil refining program in a new area of the world for the company that was in trouble. You asked to see the program’s charter after you were hired and learned the oil company lacked any required program documentation. You realize you will use this program to prepare the documentation for future programs. You decide to prepare your program charter and its first item is—
A. High-level risks
B. A description of your authority level
C. A detailed timeline with all milestone dates
D. A justification for the program
You have recently been assigned as the program manager on a global drug development project. You have read and thoroughly understand the program’s business case and overall objectives. However, you are curious as to how its end state will benefit the organization, which is stated in the—
A. Program mandate
B. Preliminary project scope statement
C. Technical and economic feasibility study
D. Program charter
Assume you are the program manager reporting to the CIO of a Fortune 100 company. Yesterday, even though the company felt it had implemented all security measures possible, it was the victim of a cyber security attack. Today, your CIO appointed you as the program manager for a new program to ensure such an attack will not happen. You are working on your charter and are to present it to the CIO tomorrow. You are including—
A. The program’s roadmap
B. Communication requirements
C. Privacy concerns
D. Strategic drivers
Assume you are working for company ABC. Recently, it has been losing key staff members; many of whom have been in the company for most of their careers to a competitor, CDE. In the exit interview, people explain they are frustrated with ABC’s bureaucratic structure and their work in a silo department. CDE manages by projects using cross-functional teams. Since both companies are in the
same city and specialize in the IT field, it is difficult to hire people in the first place and hard to retain them if another company offers more challenging work even at the same salary level. Recognizing this dilemma, the ABC CEO met with his senior staff, and they all agreed changes were needed. They realize the ways they had worked for decades were inappropriate, and they asked you to manage a program to determine what is necessary to make a major change. You knew program management would be a start and had your PgMP, so you decided to prepare a charter. As you prepared the charter, you looked at the existing projects under way and learned that one project in human resources was striving to hire people with program management expertise. This project—
A. Should be a component in your program
B. Should be listed in the charter in its assumptions and constraints
C. Should be placed on a temporary hold until your program was completed
D. Could be viewed as a risk to your program
You are a program manager working for a conference planning company. Your program has been laun
ched as a component of your company’s portfolio. Your organization has been in existence for 10 years; therefore, as you prepare your program charter, you should include—
A. How the program will deliver the desired benefits
B. Program component managers
C. Risk tolerance levels
D. Program budget baseline
The Commissioner of Baseball in your country has determined that while baseball truly is popular, unlike basketball or soccer, for example, it is only popular in a few countries in the world. Many people know nothing about it. Because of your expertise in program management, you have been retained by the Commissioner’s Office to develop a program that would increase its popularity in the world. Such a program would lead to attracting more players from other countries to your country, establish a wider fan base than now exists, and
enable the sport to grow, potentially with feeder systems or developmental leagues in other countries. It also would lead to greater revenues by playing games in different countries. You are worried that unlike soccer or basketball that have appeal throughout the world that baseball, which on the surface seems simple, actually is complicated. You also wonder how you would be able to attract a country that is not familiar with the sport to develop a league. These issues should be—
A. Recorded in a log
B. Brought to the Commissioner’ attention before you take the position
C. Listed in the program charter
D. Listed in the business case
