/*第1题 扑克牌游戏--源代码及关键源代码注解如下:*/
//* This Program was written entirely by the author Frank Vokoun.
//*******************preprocessor directives***********************
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h> // used to seed the random number generator
class Playing_Card //扑克类
int m_Value;
char m_Face[3]; //扑克的数字大小
char m_Suit ; //扑克的花(黑、红、梅、方)
Playing_Card(); // CONSTRUCTOR
void showcard(); // Displays an object of class Playing_Card
void Card_Make(int);
class Deck //一副扑克(52张)
Playing_Card m_cardarray[52]; // Object array of class Playing_Card
int m_lastdelt;
Deck(); // CONSTRUCTOR initializes empty Deck object
void MakeDeck() ; // makes a complete object of class Deck
void Deal_One(); // Deals a card from top of the deck
void ShowDeck(); // Displays a Deck object to the screen
void DeckShuff(int); // "Shuffles" a Deck object for int times
void Remove_Card(); // Removes used card from Deck Prevents
}; // mistakenly using a nonexistant card
// can bu used to send a card ??
void Program_Init(); // Program information
int main();
void Center_Text(char []); // Centers text
int get_number(); // Gets a integer from user
char Get_Key(); // Gets a char from user, pauses program
void DeckMakeDriver(); // Tests Several Functions including Makedeck
int getRandInt(int min, int max); // Random number generator
void prog_close(); // pauses before program termination
int main()
//* int main: Main Function Calls other functions
//* expects: None.
//* Returns: Integer 0;
//* Side effects None
/* Tasks (1) Seeds the Random number generator
//* (2) Calls Program Init function for Title etc.
//* (3) Call DeckMakeDriver to Test MakeDeck and DeckShuff.
srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); // Seeds GetRandInt
int Card_Number = 0;
Program_Init(); // Showd title etc.
DeckMakeDriver(); // The Main Function Driver Tests Deck and
// Playing_Card classes
prog_close(); // pauses screen output
return 1;
Playing_Card::Playing_Card() // CONSTRUCTOR
//* Playing_Card Playing_Card CONSTRUCTOR FOR CL
ASS Playing_Card
//* expects: None.
//* Returns: None
/* Side effects None
//* Tasks Constructs object of class playing_card replaces default constructor
//********************************************************************* // Constructor replaces default constructor
int i;
for(i=1;i<=3;) // inits string variable to blanks
m_Face[i] = ' ';
m_Suit = ' '; // inits char variable to blank
m_Value = 0;
void Program_Init()
//* void Program_Init():Shows Title
//* expects None
//* returns: None
//* Side Effects: Text is centered on screen
/* Task(s) Output program information to screen.
Center_Text("Lab #5");
cout << endl;
Center_Text("A Deck Driver");
cout << endl <<"\n" ;
Center_Text("By Frank Vokoun");
cout << endl <<"\n" ;
Center_Text("(C) 2001, Frank Vokoun");
cout << endl <<"\n" ;
Center_Text("Hit the <Return> key to Continue..");
char Get_Key()
//* char Get_Key(): Uses a input prompt to get a char
//* expects: None.
//* Returns: Input char.
//* Side effects: Pauses Program execution (desired effect).
//* Task(s): Gets a char from the user..
char x;
x = ();
cout << endl;
return x;
void Playing_Card::showcard()
//* void showcard(card):Displays a Playing Cards object to the screen
//* Expects: None -> Uses calling members Playing_Card object
//* Returns: None
//* Side Effects: Displays
//* Task(s): Displays the object of class Playing_Card to screen
cout << " ";
cout << m_Face ;
cout << m_Suit;
cout << " ";
void Center_Text(char ShellText[80])
//*Void Center_Text: Displays text centered on the screen.
//* expects: The text to display.
/* Returns: None.
//* Side effects: Outputs Centered text on screen.
int length;
int center;
length= strlen(ShellText);
center = (80 - length)/2;
cputs(" ");
int get_number()
//* int get_number: Gets an integer from the user.
//* expects: None.
//* Returns: Integer.
/* Side effects: None.
//* Task(s): Asks the user to enter an integer then returns
that integer.
//* .
int Input_Integer = 0;
Center_Text("Please enter an integer between 0 and 51. 52 to quit.");
cout << endl;
cin >> Input_Integer;
return Input_Integer;
void Playing_Card::Card_Make(int num)
//* Get_Card(int): Creates a Playing_Card object based on an interger input.
//* Expects: int
//* Returns: None -> uses Calling members Playing_Card object
//* Side Effects: None
//*Tasks: 1. assign a face value
//* 2. assign a m_Suit(char type)
//* 3. assign a point value
int i = 0;
char j;
int face_num = num % 13;
switch(face_num) // Assigns a Face value for string cards
case 0: strcpy(m_Face," A");break;
case 9: strcpy(m_Face,"10");break;
case 10: strcpy(m_Face," J");break;
case 11: strcpy(m_Face," Q");break;
case 12: strcpy(m_Face," K");break;
j = char(face_num + 49); // Fills string with number mod 13
m_Face[i] = ' '; i++;
m_Face[i] = j;i++;
m_Face[i] = NULL;
if(num <= 12)m_Suit = 6; // assigns suit use ascii values for
if(num >12 && num <= 25)m_Suit = 3; // card symbols
if(num >25 && num <= 38)m_Suit = 5;
if(num >38 && num <= 51)m_Suit = 4;
if(face_num <= 9)m_Value = face_num + 1; // Card value's Ace = 1
if(face_num >= 10)m_Value = 10;
void DeckMakeDriver()
//* DeckMakeDriver(): Used to test the various deck functions Deckmake,
/* Deckshuff, Deckcopy etc.
//* Expects: None.
//* Returns: None.
//* Side effects: None
//* Tasks: 1. Call make Deck
//* 2. Show Deck
//* 3. Call shuffle
//* 4. Call show deck
//* 5. While !Done Call
//* a. Deal one
/* b. Show card
//*Note the dot operator is need to access object because this is not a member of the class
Deck deck_1;
deck_1.MakeDeck(); // Creates the Deck.
deck_1.ShowDeck(); // Displays deck to screen.
Get_Key(); // Pauses Program.
deck_1.DeckShuff(250); // Shuffles the deck 250 times
deck_1.ShowDeck(); // Displays deck to screen.
cout << endl <<endl << endl;
char y;
cout << endl;
cout << endl << endl << "Y to Deal One more N to quit"<< endl;
cin >> y;
y = toupper(y);
}while(y == 'Y' );
void Deck::MakeDeck() // creates a full deck not a construct
//* Deck Make Deck(): Creates a Deck Object
//* Expects: none -> uses calling functions deck object
Returns: none -> uses calling functions Deck object
//* Side effects: none
//* Tasks: 1. Create a Full Deck structure of unique card structures
//* a. have the decks last delt variable = to the top card
m_lastdelt = 51; // Set Deck to empty
while(m_lastdelt >-1) // iterate until deck is full.
m_cardarray[m_lastdelt].Card_Make(m_lastdelt); // call card make for every card object
m_lastdelt--; // inside the deck object ie cardarray
void Deck::ShowDeck()
//* void ShowDeck: Displays the deck in a organized readable fashion to the screen
//* Expects: none shows calling functions object of class deck
/* Returns: none
//* Side Effects: None
//* Tasks: 1. set an index to lastdealt + 1
//* 2. call ShowCard passing in card[index]
int index = m_lastdelt + 1;
int newline = 0;
Center_Text("Current Deck of Cards from top to bottom");
cout << endl;
if(newline % 11 == 0) cout << endl;
m_cardarray[index].showcard(); // calls showcard for every card in
newline++; // the cardarray object
int getRandInt(int min, int max)
//*int GetRandInt: Returns a random number between min and max
/* BORROWED FUNCTION:Used with permission from Prof. Steve Samuelson.
//* Expects: min -- smallest possible number to return
//* max -- largest possible number to return
//* Returns: A number between min and max
//* Side Effects: None
//* Tasks: 1. set a num = to random number generator.
//* 2. make num = num % (max - min +1); add min.
//* 3. Return the num
int numToReturn;
numToReturn = rand();
numToReturn = numToReturn % (max - min + 1) + min;
return numToReturn;
void Deck::DeckShuff( int times) //洗牌次数
//* Deck DeckShuff(Deck, int): Simulates the shuffling of a deck of cards
//* expects: none -> uses calling functions Deck object
//* Returns: none -&g
t; manipulates calling functions object of class Deck USING
//* Side effects: no unintended effects.
//* Task(s) 1. To randomly arrange the elements of the Deck structure Playing_Card
//* array.
//* A. split the Deck structure into two halves at a random location
//* between 20 and 35.
//* B. Alternating between the two halves move a random number of
//* Playing_Card structures to the original deck structure, Until
//* it is full of cards (52
cards in a deck).* this is also the
//* number of cards available in the to halves.
//* C. Since it is a full unused deck set the lastdelt variable to -1
int x, split; //split是分开成两部分的位置,如上部分、下部分
Center_Text("Shuffling Deck");
cout << endl;
for(x=0;x<=times;x++) // iterate input number of times
split = getRandInt(20,35); // Get split location
Deck topdeck; // Create 2 new unfilled decks
Deck bottomdeck;
int i;
int bottomdeckindex = 1;
int topdeckindex = 1;
for(i=0;i<=split - 1;)
topdeck.m_cardarray[topdeckindex] = this->m_cardarray[i];
for(i=(split);i< 52;) // move remaining cards to bottom deck
bottomdeck.m_cardarray[bottomdeckindex] = this->m_cardarray[i];
int deckoutindex = 0; // set deck to fill's index to zero
int numcardstomovetop;
int numcardstomovebottom;
int j;
int h = 0;
bottomdeckindex = 52 - split; // set index to num cards in bottom
topdeckindex =split; // set index to num cards in top
while(deckoutindex <= 51)
numcardstomovetop = getRandInt(2,7);
numcardstomovebottom = getRandInt(2,7);
// Move a random number of cards(2-7)
for(j=0;j <=numcardstomovebottom;j++) // from bottomdeck to original deck
if(bottomdeckindex > 0) // check for available cards
this->m_cardarray[deckoutindex] = bottomdeck.m_cardarray[bottomdeckindex];
// Move a random number of cards (2 to 7)
{ // from topdeck to original deck.
if((topdeckindex > 0) && (deckoutindex <=52))
/ check for available cards
{ // and slots
this->m_lastdelt = -1; // Return a complete shuffled deck
void prog_close()
//* void prog_close: Waits for user input to end
//* Inputs: None
//* Returns: None
//* Side effects: Output text to screen/waits for user input to
//* end program.
//* task(s