To create a function that adds a specified character at the beginning of each string in an Excel column, one can utilize VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to develop a customized function. VBA provides the capability to enhance the functionality of Excel by crafting personalized macros and functions. To aplish this, the VBA editor in Excel can be accessed by pressing Alt + F11.
要在 Excel 列中每个字符串开头添加一个指定字符的函数,可以使用 VBA(应用的视觉基础)来开发一个定制函数。 VBA通过设计个性化的宏和功能,提供增强Excel功能的能力。 为扩展此功能,Excel中的VBA编辑器可以通过按下Alt + F11来访问。
Sure, in the VBA editor, you can add a new module by right-clicking on the Modules folder and selecting 'Insert' > 'Module'. Then, you can write a function that takes the input string and the specified character as parameters, and returns the modified string with the character added at the beginning. For example, you can use this VBA code:
Function AddCharacter(inputString As String, character As String) As String
    AddCharacter = character  inputString
End Function
Once you've written the function, you can use it in your Excel worksheet by entering a formula like =AddCharacter(A2, "*") in a new column, assuming the input strings are in column A. This will add a '*' at the beginning of each string in the specified column.
当然,在 VBA 编辑器中,您可以通过右键点击模块文件夹并选择“ 插入” 》 “ 模块” 来添加一个新的模块 。 可以将输入字符串和指定字符作为参数写入函数,并将修改后的字符串与开头添加的字符一起返回。 您可以使用此 VBA 代码 :
函数 添加字符串(输入字符串为字符串,字符串为字符串)为字符串
添加Charater = 字符输入
一旦您写入了该函数,就可以在您的 Excel 工作表中使用,在新列中输入一个像 = AddChar
acter(A2,"×")这样的公式,假设输入字符串在A栏中。 这将在指定列中每个字符串的开头添加一个“ × ” 。
After incorporating the prescribed function into your Excel workbook, it is advised to store the file in a macro-enabled format (.xlsm) as to ensure the persistent availability of the customized function upon subsequent opening of the workbook. Subsequently, the function can be efficiently utilized to expeditiously amend character strings within Excel, specifically through the addition of the designated character at themencement of each string within a specified column.
vba 字符串函数
在将指定的功能纳入您的 Excel 工作手册后, 建议您以宏化的格式(。 xlsm)存储文件, 以确保在工作手册打开后持续提供定制功能 。 随后,该功能可以被高效地用于快速修改Excel内部的字符字符串,具体通过在指定列内每个字符串的元音上添加指定字符。
