1. 它⼜⼀个很⼩,但设计良好并且模块化的API,且易于使⽤。
2. 它具有很好的⽂档,并且还有eclipse插件。
3. 它⽀持最新的Java版本。
4. 它短⼩精悍、快速、健壮。
5. 它⼜⼀个很⼤的⽤户社区,可以给新⽤户提供⽀持。
6. 它的开源许可允许你⼏乎以任何⽅式来使⽤它。
ASM Core设计⼀览
在构建ClassReader实例时,它⾸先保存字节码⼆进制数组b,然后创建items数组,数组的长度在字节码数组的第8、9个字节指定(最前⾯4个字节是魔数CAFEBABE,之后2个字节是次版本号,再后2个字节是主版本号),每个item表⽰常量池项在字节码数组的偏移量加1(常量池中每个项由1个字节的type和紧跟的字节数组表⽰,常量池项有12种类型,其中CONSTANT_FieldRef_Info、CONSTANT_MethodRef_Info、CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodRef_Info、CONSTANT_NameAndType_Info包括其类型字节占⽤5个字节,另外4个字节每2个字节为字段、⽅法等所在的类、其名称、描述符在当前常量池中CONSTANT_Utf8_Info类型的引⽤;CONSTANT_Integer_Info、CONSTANT_Float_Info包括其类型字节占⽤5个字节,另外四个字节为其对应的值;CONSTANT_Class_Info、CONSTANT_String_Info包括其类型字节占⽤3个字节,另外两个字节为在当前常量池CONSTANT_Utf8_Info项的索引;CONSTANT_Utf8_Info类型第1个字节表⽰类型,第2、3个字节为该项所表⽰的字符串的长度);CONSTANT_Double_Info、CONSTANT_Long_Info加类型字节为9个字;maxStringLength表⽰最长的UTF8类型的常量池项的值,⽤于决定在解析CONSTANT_Utf8_Info 类型项时最⼤需要的字符数组;header表⽰常量池之后的字节码的第⼀个字节。
void visit(int version, int access, String name, String signature, String superName, String[] interfaces);
// sourceFile, sourceDebug
void visitSource(String source, String debug);
// EnclosingMethod attribute: enclosingOwner, enclosingName, enclosingDesc.
// Note: only when the class has EnclosingMethod attribute, meaning the class is a local class or an anonymous class
void visitOuterClass(String owner, String name, String desc);
AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible);
public interface AnnotationVisitor {
// 对基本类型的数组,依然采⽤该⽅法,visitArray只是在⾮基本类型时调⽤。
void visit(String name, Object value);
void visitEnum(String name, String desc, String value);
AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String name, String desc);
AnnotationVisitor visitArray(String name);
void visitEnd();
void visitAttribute(Attribute attr);
public class Attribute {
public final String type;
byte[] value;
Attribute next;
void visitInnerClass(String name, String outerName, String innerName, int access);
// 其中value为静态字段的初始化值(对⾮静态字段,它的初始化必须由构造函数实现),如果没有初始化值,该值为null。
FieldVisitor visitField(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, Object value);
public interface FieldVisitor {
AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible);
void visitAttribute(Attribute attr);
void visitEnd();
MethodVisitor visitMethod(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions);
public interface MethodVisitor {
AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotationDefault();
AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible);
AnnotationVisitor visitParameterAnnotation(int parameter, String desc, boolean visible);
void visitAttribute(Attribute attr);
void visitTryCatchBlock(Label start, Label end, Label handler, String type);
* A label represents a position in the bytecode of a method. Labels are used
* for jump, goto, and switch instructions, and for try catch blocks.
* @author Eric Bruneton
public class Label {
public Object info;
int status;
int line;
int position;
private int referenceCount;
private int[] srcAndRefPositions;
int inputStackTop;
int outputStackMax;
Frame frame;
Label successor;
Edge successors;
Label next;
void visitFrame(int type, int nLocal, Object[] local, int nStack, Object[] stack);
// Visits a zero operand instruction.
void visitInsn(int opcode);
// Visits an instruction with a single int operand.
void visitIntInsn(int opcode, int operand);
// Visits a local variable instruction. A local variable instruction is an instruction that loads or stores the value of a local variable.
void visitVarInsn(int opcode, int var);
// Visits a type instruction. A type instruction is an instruction that takes the internal name of a class as parameter.
void visitTypeInsn(int opcode, String type);
// Visits a field instruction. A field instruction is an instruction that loads or stores the value of a field of an object.
void visitFieldInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc);
// Visits a method instruction. A method instruction is an instruction that invokes a method.
void visitMethodInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc);
// Visits a jump instruction. A jump instruction is an instruction that may jump to another instruction.
void visitJumpInsn(int opcode, Label label);
// Visits a label. A label designates the instruction that will be visited just after it.
void visitLabel(Label label);
// Visits a LDC instruction.
void visitLdcInsn(Object cst);
// Visits an IINC instruction.
void visitIincInsn(int var, int increment);
// Visits a TABLESWITCH instruction.
void visitTableSwitchInsn(int min, int max, Label dflt, Label[] labels);
// Visits a LOOKUPSWITCH instruction.
void visitLookupSwitchInsn(Label dflt, int[] keys, Label[] labels);
// Visits a MULTIANEWARRAY instruction.
字符常量池是什么意思void visitMultiANewArrayInsn(String desc, int dims);
// Visits a try catch block.
void visitTryCatchBlock(Label start, Label end, Label handler, String type);
void visitLocalVariable(String name, String desc, String signature, Label start, Label end, int index);
/ Visits a line number declaration.
void visitLineNumber(int line, Label start);
// Visits the maximum stack size and the maximum number of local variables of the method.
void visitMaxs(int maxStack, int maxLocals);
void visitEnd();
public class ClassWriter implements ClassVisitor {
//The class reader from which this class writer was constructed, if any.
ClassReader cr;
//Minor and major version numbers of the class to be generated.
int version;
//Index of the next item to be added in the constant pool.
int index;
//The constant pool of this class.
final ByteVector pool;
//The constant pool's hash table data.
Item[] items;
//The threshold of the constant pool's hash table.
int threshold;
//A reusable key used to look for items in the {@link #items} hash table.
final Item key;
//A reusable key used to look for items in the {@link #items} hash table.
final Item key2;
//A reusable key used to look for items in the {@link #items} hash table.
final Item key3;
//A type table used to temporarily store internal names that will not necessarily be stored in the constant pool.
Item[] typeTable;
//Number of elements in the {@link #typeTable} array.
private short typeCount;
//The access flags of this class.
private int access;
//The constant pool item that contains the internal name of this class.
private int name;
//The internal name of this class.
String thisName;
//The constant pool item that contains the signature of this class.
private int signature;
//The constant pool item that contains the internal name of the super class of this class.
private int superName;
// Number of interfaces implemented or extended by this class or interface.
private int interfaceCount;
//The interfaces implemented or extended by this class or interface.
private int[] interfaces;
//The index of the constant pool item that contains the name of the source file from which this class was compiled.
private int sourceFile;
//The SourceDebug attribute of this class.
private ByteVector sourceDebug;
//The constant pool item that contains the name of the enclosing class of this class.
private int enclosingMethodOwner;
//The constant pool item that contains the name and descriptor of the enclosing method of this class.
private int enclosingMethod;
//The runtime visible annotations of this class.
private AnnotationWriter anns;
//The runtime invisible annotations of this class.
private AnnotationWriter ianns;
//The non standard attributes of this class.
private Attribute attrs;
//The number of entries in the InnerClasses attribute.
private int innerClassesCount;
//The InnerClasses attribute.
private ByteVector innerClasses;
//The fields of this class. These fields are stored in a linked list of {@link FieldWriter} objects, linked to each other by their {@link FieldWriter#next} field. This field stores the first element of this list.
FieldWriter firstField;
//This field stores the last element of this list.
FieldWriter lastField;
//The methods of this class. These methods are stored in a linked list of {@link MethodWriter} objects, linked to each other by their {@link MethodWriter#next} field. This field stores the first element of this list. MethodWriter firstMethod;
//This field stores the last element of this list.
MethodWriter lastMethod;
//true if the maximum stack size and number of local variables must be automatically computed.
private final boolean computeMaxs;
//true if the stack map frames must be recomputed from scratch.
private final boolean computeFrames;
//true if the stack map tables of this class are invalid.
boolean invalidFrames;
