    The use of double quotation marks in contracts serves several purposes. First, they are used to indicate direct quotations or speech. When a contract includes a statement or clause that is directly quoted from another source, such as a law or regulation, it is enclosed in double quotation marks to clearly indicate that it is not the original language of the contract itself.
    For example, if a contract includes a clause that states, "The seller shall provide the goods in accordance with the specifications set forth in the applicable laws and regulations," the phrase "applicable laws and regulations" is enclosed in double quotation marks to show that it is a direct quote from those laws and regulations.
    Double quotation marks are also used to indicate definitions or terms that have a specific meaning within the contract. When a contract introduces a new term or defines an existing te
字符串常量用单引号还是双引号rm in a specific way, it is often enclosed in double quotation marks to highlight its importance and distinguish it from regular text.
    For instance, a contract may define the term "Intellectual Property" as "any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other proprietary rights recognized by applicable law." By enclosing the term "Intellectual Property" in double quotation marks, it signals that it has a specific meaning within the contract.
    In addition, double quotation marks can be used to indicate emphasis or irony. When a contract wants to draw attention to a particular word or phrase, it may be enclosed in double quotation marks to make it stand out.
    For example, a contract may state, "The buyer agrees to pay the seller within a 'reasonable' timeframe." Here, the word "reasonable" is enclosed in double quotation marks to emphasize that it is a subjective term and may be open to interpretation.
