Unit 5  The Value of Money
1.basis基础;根据;基点--- base  n基地 vt以、、、为基础-------basic adj 根本的,基本的
《1》在、、、的基础上;根据、、、、on the basis of
《2》定期的: on a regular basis
《3》The present Olympic Games are held every four years _on____ a regular basis.
2.Apologize 道歉 ----- apology n 道歉
《1》_因做某事而向某人道歉: apologize to sb for sth/ make an apology to sb for sth.
《2》接受、拒绝道歉: accept/refuse an apology
3》He apologized to the teacher for his missing the lesson.
3.Ignore vt 忽视;对、、、不予理会----ignorant无知的;愚昧的---ignorance无知;愚昧
《1》无视交通规则: ignore traffic rules
《2》不理会某人的建议: ignore one’s advice
《3》不顾个人的安危: ignore personal safety
《4》对、、、无知: be ignorant of/about sth.
《5》出于无知: out of/through ignorance
《6》Not knowing a single person at the party, he felt ignored by all the people present.
4.Judge vt/vi 评价;评判;判断 n 法官;审判员;裁判员---judgement n判断,评判
《1》决不要以貌取人: Never judge a person by their looks. / Don’t judge a book by its cover.
《2》根据他的口音来判断: judging from/ by his accent
《3》根据我的判断: as far as I can judge
《4》(就、、、)做出评价: make a judgement
《5》If you brain ____judges____ the information important, it places it in your memory “ files”.
5.Scene n 场;现场;场面;景—scenic adj 风景优美的
《1》事故现场: the scene of the accident
《2》在后台;(喻)在幕后: behind the scenes
《3》出现。到场,在场: on the scene
《4》警察立刻赶到了现场。The police were on the scene immediately.
6.bet n 打赌;赌注(bet/ bet)vi/vt
1.和某人打个赌: make a bet with sb
2.当然、肯定;you bet
3.对某事打赌,在某事上下赌注: bet on sth
4.You can put a bet ___on___ almost anything these days.
7.Sail vi/vt 航行(人)乘船航行---- sailor n 船员,水手
1.乘船环游世界: sail around the world
2.乘船横渡大西洋: sail across the Atlantic
3.启程前往: set sail for
4.He was a ( sailor ) ( sail ) and an adventure.
8.Spot vt 看见;注意到;发现;n 地点;处所;斑点;污迹
1.看到某人、某物正在做某事: spot sb/sth doing sth
2.当下;当场;在现场: on the spot = on the scene
3.一些血渍: a few spots of blood
4.海滩上一个安静的地方: a quiet spot on the beach.
5.He was __spotted____( spot ) and rescued at sea by accident by a british ship and landed in London.
9.dare vi/modal v 胆敢;敢于 作情态动词,多用于否定句和疑问句中
1.不敢做、、、dare not ( daren’t) do….
2.我/你/他敢、、、、?Dare I/ he/you…?
3.你竟敢、、、、How dare you…?
4.我想;很可能;大概: I dare say
Dare 作实义动词;在人称、数、和时态等形式变化上与其他实义动词相同
5.敢做、、: dare to do
6.不敢做、、: don’t/doesn’t dare to do sth
7.我敢肯定你从来不敢不听他的。: I’m sure you never dare to go against him.
10.Sort n 种类;类别
1.各种各样(名词前)all kinds/sorts of
1.各种各样(名词后): of all sorts
2.有几分,有点儿,稍微: sort/kind of
3.整理、把、、、安排好;挑出;解决: sort out
The eggs _are sorted_____( sort ) according to size.
11.Patience n 耐心;忍耐力;毅力;--patient adj 有耐心的 n 病人----patiently adv. 有耐心地
2.对、、、几乎没有/没有耐心: have little/no patience with
3.对、、、失去耐心: lose/run out of patience
4.ignore the waste behind you耐心地: with patience
5.对、、、有耐心: be patient with
6.耐心对待: wait patiently
7.She has little patience(patient)with such views.
12.Indicate vt/vi 表明;显示;vt 象征;暗示----indication n 迹象;标示
1.预示好天气: indicate fine weather
2.正如其名称所示: as the name indicates
3.表明某人的意图: indicate one’s intention
4.预示/显示: indicate that….
5.有明显的迹象显示、、There are clear indications that….
6.Yellow  indicates______( indicate ) that the customer should be alert.
13.Postpone vt. 延迟;延期;延缓
1.推迟做某事,延迟做某事: postpone/delay/put off doing sth
2.立即,马上: without delay
Because of the heavy rain, the sports meeting had to be postponed.
14. Obligation n 义务;职责;责任-----oblige 迫使,强迫;帮忙,效劳-----obligated adj. 有义务的,有责任的,必须的----onliged adj 感谢,感激
1.有义务,欠人情: be under obligation
2.履行法律/ 职业/ 财务责任: fulfill one’s legal/ professional/ financial obligation.
3.道德义务: moral obligation
4.责任感、义务感: a sense of obligation
5.感觉不得不做某事: be/feel obligated to do sth
6.觉得有义务做某事: be/feel obligated to do sth
I would be obliged if you could…
8.We are _under____ no obligation to give him what he wants.
15.Intention n 打算;计划;意图;目的---intend v 打算。计划;意指---intended adj 打算的、计划的。
1.故意地:by intention
2.为了,目的是: with the intention of
3.打算做某事: intend to do/doing sth
4.为、、、打算(或设计)的: be intended for/to do sth
5.The plane has been kept in service far longer than originally _intended______ ( intend )
16. Nowhere adv 无处;哪里都不
1.不可能到/看见nowhere to be found/seen
2.远没有;远不及: nowhere near
3.Nowhere 位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序,即把助动词、情态动词或连系动词be提到主语前面
That old man was exhausted and had nowhere to sleep.
17Extent n 程度;限度;大小;范围
    1. 在某种程度上: to some extent== to a certain extent/ to an extent
    2. 在很大程度上: to great/large extent.
    3. 在更大程度上: to a greater extent
    4. To an extent, that is the reason for the meeting.
18. duty责任;义务;职责;值班
1.尽职责: perform/carry out one’s duty
2.值班;值勤: on duty
