动词专项练习  (动词时态、语态、语气、情态动词、非谓语动词)
1. _________ more attention, they could make the plan batter than it is now.
    A. Having given        B. If giving        C. Given            D. To be given
2. --- What’s made you so upset?
  --- _________ my key bag, how annoying!
    A. Lost                B. Losing                C. Because of losing    D. since I lost
3. ___________ their service, many taxi drivers in Shanghai are now learning everyday English.
    A. Improving            B. Having improved    C. Improved            D. To improve
4. I’d rather lose the game __________.
    A. not to hurt him        B. not hurt him        C. than to hurt him        D. than hurt him
5. The instrument, ___________ to the computer, will be very useful.
    A. once attaching        B. once attached      C. once to be attached      D. once be attached
6. The coffee is very cold. It requires __________.
    A. heating            B. to heating            C. to heat                D. being heated
7. The foreigner told me that it was the second time that he __________ our country.
    A. had visited            B. visited            C. has visited                D. would visit
8. Mary __________ to go abroad for further education, but she gave it up later.
    A. is hoping            B. was hoped        C. had hoped                D. has hoped
9. You _________ the umbrellas. Don’t you think it silly to carry an umbrella on such a fin
e day?
    A. mustn’t have brought                        B. didn’t have to bring
    C. needn’t have brought                        D. didn’t need bring
10. It has been announced that candidates ________ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.
    A. can                B. will                C. may                D. shall
11. Generally speaking, ________ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.
    A. when taking        B. when taken            C. when to take      D. when to be taken
12. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ________ to eat more fruit and vegetables.
    A. persuade            B. will persuade        C. be persuaded        D. are persuaded
ignore the waste behind you
13. There __________ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school.
    A. mustn’t            B. shan’t                C. shouldn’t            D. needn’t
14. When he turned professional at the age of 11, Mike _________ to become a world champion by his coach and parents.
    A. expected            B. was expecting      C. was expected    D. would be expected
15. __________ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.
    A. Exposed            B. Having exposed        C. Being exposed    D. After being exposed
16. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered _________ clear warning before firing any shots.
    A. to issue            B. being issued        C. to have issued        D. to be issued
17. The flowers _________ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.
    A. to smell            B. smelling            C. smelt                D. to be smelt
18. He got well prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk ________ the good opportunity.
    A. to lose                B. losing                C. to be lost            D. being lost
19. Russ and Earl were auto mechanics _________ the same pay, but Earl had more ambition.
    A. to earn                B. to have earned        C. earning            D. earned
20. Ms. Nancy didn’t mind at all __________ to the ceremony.
    A. being not invited        B. not being invited        C. not inviting          D. not to be invited
21. No matter how frequently _________ the works of Beethoven always attract a large number of people.
    A. performing            B. performed        C. to be performed    D. being performed
22. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds ________ his arguments in favor of the new theory.
    A. to be based on        B. to base on        C. which to base on      D. on which to base
23. Professor Wang, _________ for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students.
    A. knowing            B. known                C. to be known        D. having known
24. In fact Peter would rather have left for San Francisco than ________ in New York.
    A. to stay                B. stayed                C. stay                D. having stayed
25. “___________ the friendship between our two people last forever!”, and with this sincere hope, the president concluded his speech.
    A. Could                B. May                C. Would                D. Must
26. There were 3 flu pandemics (全球流行病) in the 20th century: 1918, 1957 and 1968, and the 1918 was by far _________, killing up to 50 million people worldwide.
    A. the bad                B. the worse            C. the worst            D. worst
27. We need a more capable leader, _________ with strong will and as well as good humour.
    A.who                B. that                C. one                D. which
28. The lectures, __________ the current international issues, are well received.
    A. are covered            B. covered            C. covering            D. to cover
29. Some of the middle aged people ________ to the meeting were famous professors.
