卷(共 90 分)
第一部分: 听力 (共两节,满分20)
1.What will the man do this Friday night?
A. Go to a party.              B. See his brother off.          C. Pick up his brother.
2.What will the woman probably do?
A. Take the Ford            B. Try the Benz            C. Look at the Opel.
3. Where is the man now?
  A. In the sitting room.        B. In the bathroom.            C. In the kitchen.
4. What did the woman think of the boxing match?
A. Great                    B. Just so-so                C. Disappointing
5. How will the weather be tomorrow?
    A. Cloudy                B. Rainy                    C. Sunny
6. What did the man do last night?
    A. He went to Linda’s party 
B. He watched over his cousin 
C. He went to his cousin’s house.
7. What does the man think of Linda?
    A. Patient                      B. Energetic                C. Interesting
8. How long did the man stay in Hong Kong this time?
    A. About four days.        B. About five days        C. About six days
9. What does the man usually like to do in his spare time when he is in Hong Kong?
    A. Do some shopping.      B. Do some sightseeing    C. Talk with his family online.
听第8段材料,回答第10 12
10. What is the man doing?
    A. Reading an article about poster art.
    B. Enjoying some old poster art works.
    C. Writing a school paper on poster art.
11. What did cities like Milan and Berlin do?
    A. They encouraged street artists.
    B. They brought in paper advertising
    C. They supported John Fekner and Lee Quinones.
12. What day is it today?
    A. Friday                    B. Saturday            C. Sunday
听第9段材料,回答第13 16
13. What do we know about Facebook?
    A. It now has over 800 million active users.
    B. It is the earliest social network in America.
    C. It is popular only with American young people.
14. Which of the following is the woman’s favourite social network?
    A. Facebook                B. Myspace            C. Hi5
15. What does the man like doing on Hi5?
    A. Playing online games.    B. Listening to music    C. Watching TV.
16. What does the woman suggest the man do?
    A. Try some other social networks.
    B. Help Mary stop online games.
    C. Try some outdoor activities.
17. How old was Stephen Benet when he published his first book of poems?
    A. 15                    B.17                    C. 19
18. What do we know about The Yale Literary Magazine?
    A. It was popular with students.
    B. It was published by professors.
    C. It was started by Stephen Benet.
19. What did Stephen Benet do in the early 1920s?
    A. He moved to live in Paris.       
B. He wrote two books in New York.
C. He made friends with Ernest Hemingway.
20.What kind of story and poem did Stephen Benet write in New York?
    A. Moving                B. Exciting            C. Encouraging.
第一节:语法和词汇知识(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)
从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
21. He wants to see ______ much stronger China within _____ rest of his life.
A.不填; a      Ba; 不填        Cthe; a          Da; the
22. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to_____ products so that   
  they can make more money.
A. design          B. promote        C. determine        D. ignore
23. I feel it difficult to apply for a job in that famous company.
  Why not read this magazine? This is ____ some useful information is available.
A. what            B. how            C. where          D. that
24. Much to her ______, she got her son’s e-mail from abroad informing her he was quite OK.
ignore the waste behind youA. surprise      B. relief            C. puzzle        D. embarrassment
25. —Do you think John is coming to attend the lecture?
    —Sure. I have ______ him to.
A. recommended    B. suggested      C. persuaded      D. requested
26. ______ the doctors doubt is ______ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.
A. What; when        B. That; if          C. What; whether  D. That; what
27. ______ a general introduction to the computer, the course(课程)also provides practical
A. Because of        B. Except        C. Aside from      D. Due to
28. The basketball coach(教练), as well as his team members, ______ interviewed shortly after
the match for their outstanding performance.
