Fieldbus Register Table
Created by NodeFileCreator V2.7 (wv) on 08/06/11 at 14:57:05
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This document lists all of the available registers for the control unit with the abovementioned software. The registers are described using a fixed format. Below is a detailed explanation of the various elements that describe any given register.
Register Name:
This is the name of the register, of which there are four basic types. The first three letters of the register name define the register type and or operation that can be performed. The rest
of the name simply describes which particular bit of data is involved.
Register type description
A register which is part of a “broadcast” message type. This data is transmitted on the Airbus485 network without the need for outside influence. The data is sent at a particular interval and/or when the status of Airbus485 compatible system hardware changes. There is no possibility to request ‘broadcast’ message types.
Although there is no ability to independently request the ‘broadcast’ message data type on an Airbus485 network, the gateway providing fieldbus access captures and stores the ‘broadcast’ data, thereby allowing the fieldbus master to request (read) the data elements whenever required.
Remark !!: Obtaining data from “Adv” type registers is an efficient way of obtaining data and causes the minimum of communication overhead on the Airbus485 network. As a result, using “Adv” type registers will also improve overall system performance, including the speed at which the fieldbus master can operate.
“Cmd”: a register address used to trigger sending a command message to the unit. Writing the appropriate data value will cause the equivalent command to be sent.
A register address that can be used to read data. Modern type controllers (R1,S1,T1,...) support reading elements of the overall data block within the 5FFF (minimum size is 1 word: 16 bits of data).
“Set”ignore subsequent bad blocks
A register address that can be used to write data. For a write operation to be accepted it is always necessary to write a full size data block starting at the specified register address
Available Function:
This defines the type of operation that can be performed. The possible operation types are: “Read data” and “Write data”.
Available Register Range: (always in hexadecimal notation)
This defines the range of the data block the register is part of. It shows the start address of the data block (first register: XXXX) and the end of the data block (last register:YYYY) in the format: YYYY. Note: in case the registers are part of a”broadcast” (Adv) data block or are part of the 5FFF it is always possible to request individual (minimum 1 word) or partial sections of the data block.
Max Register Length: (always in hexadecimal notation)
This defines the maximum data size (number of register) in the overall data block.
Register Address (always in hexadecimal notation)
This defines the actual register address to access the register. In case the FIELDBUS being used is MODBUS RTU the register addresses are exactly the same as "MODBUS holding register addresses". In case of PROFIBUS DP, DEVICENET or other fieldbusses the register adresses are simply numerical identifiers for the various data items.
