2012年03月28日 星期三 9:42
下面仅给出函数的大概意思,详细用法见: help 函数名 或 matlab help 1、imread:read image from graphics file; 2、imshow:display image in Handle Graphics figure; 3、imwrite:write image to graphics file; 4、rgb2gray:convert RGB image or colormap to grayscale; 5、im2bw:convert image to binary image, based on threshold; 6、exist:check existence of variable, function, directory, or class; 7、size:size of array,用此函数可以获得图像的高和宽; 8、min:smallest elements in array; 9、max:largest elements in array; 10、fprintf:write data to text file;将信息显示到屏幕上或将数据写到指定的文件中; 11、conv2:two dimensional convolution;二维卷积(图像滤波); 12、ones(m, n):create array of all ones; 13、zeros(m, n):create array of all zeros; 14、interp2:2-D data interpolation;二维插值(图像插值),多和meshgrid一起用; 15、meshgrid:generate X and Y arrays for 3-D plots;用于产生网格,将向量区域转换成矩阵; 16、clf:clear current figure window;清除当前的图像,图像窗口仍存在; 17、pause:halt execution temporarily;暂停; 18、figure:create figure graphics object; 19、pinv:Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix;求矩阵的伪逆; 20、hold on:holds the current plot and all axis properties so that subsequent graphingcommands add to the existing graph; 21、hold off:returns to the default mode whereby PLOT commands erase the previousplots and reset all axis properties before drawing new plots; 22、error:display message and abort function; 23、isempty:determine whether array is empty; 24、close:remove specified figure; 25、repmat:replicate and tile an array; 26、find:find indices and values of nonzero elements; 27、cell:construct cell array; 28、atan2: four quadrant inverse tangent; 29、prod:product(乘积) of array elements,对于向量返回的是其所有元素的积、对于矩阵返回的是按列向量的所有元素的积,然后组成 一行向量; 30、abs:absolute value and complex magnitude; 31、disp:Display text or array; 32、clear:remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory; 33、clc:clear command window; 34、delete:delete file or graphics object; 35、diary:save text of MATLAB session(a copy of all subsequent command window input and most of the resulting command window output to be appended to the named file); 36、save:saves all workspace variables to the binary "MAT-file"(disk); 37、rand:uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers;均匀分布的伪随机数; 38、memory:display memory information; 39、pack:consolidate workspace memory; 40、pwd:displays the current working directory; 41、feature('memstats'):可以用来查看内存的使用情况; 42、length:length of vector or largest array dimension; 43、floor:round towards minus infinity;朝负无穷方向靠近最近的整数; 44、ceil:round towards plus infinity;朝正无穷方向靠近最近的整数; 45、round:round towards nearest integer;取最近的整数(相当于四舍五入); 46、fix:round towards zero;取离0最近的整数; 47、norm:matrix or vector norms(范数); 48、mod:modulus after division;求余数; 49、reshape:reshape array;改变指定矩阵的形状,元素个数不变; 50、graythresh:global image threshold using Otsu's method; 51、xor:logical exclusive OR;逻辑异或; 52、imopen:morphologically open image;形态学开运算; 53、imclose:morphologically close image;形态学闭运算; 54、imerode:erode image;图像腐蚀; 55、imdilate:dilate image;图像膨胀; 56、bwlabel:label connected components in 2-D binary image; ignore subsequent bad blocks57、cpselect:is a graphical user interface that enables you to select control points from two related images;手动在两幅图像中选取配准控制点;它会自动存到两个points 数组里面 58、cp2tform:takes pairs of control points and uses them to infer spatial transformation;图象配准一个求坐标转换参数的函数;能修正6种变形; 59、imcrop:crops an image to a specified rectangle;图像剪切; 60、imresize:resize image; 61、imrotate:rotate image; 62、imtransform:apply 2-D spatial transformation to image;图像空间变换;多与cp2tform或maketform一 起用; 63、maketform:create spatial transformation structure (TFORM); 64、edge:find edges in grayscale image;包括Sobel、Prewitt、Roberts、Laplacian of Gaussian、Zero-cross、Canny; 65、cpcorr:tune control point locations using cross-correlation;采用互相关法协调控制点位置,在图像配准中,对已选定的控制点进行微调; 66、isnan:array elements that are NaN; 67、ischar:determine whether item is character array; 68、strcmp:compare strings; 69、colstyle:parse color and style from string; 70、gcf:get handle to current figure; 71、print:print figure or model; save to disk as image or M-file; 72、warning:display warning message;disable or enable warning messages; 73、nargout:number of function output arguments; 74、nargin:number of function input arguments; 75、any:determine whether any array elements are nonzero; 76、median:median value of array; 77、imfinfo:information about graphics file; 78、filter2:two-dimensional digital filter;在计算filter2时先将卷积核旋转180度,再调用conv2函数进行计算,其实filter2和conv2是等价的; 79、fspecial:create predefined 2-D filters; 80、det:matrix determinant(行列式); 81、trace:sum of diagonal(对角线) elements;矩阵的迹; 82、plot:2-D line plot;用于在指定位置标注; 83、eye:identity matrix(单位矩阵); 84、mean:average or mean value of array; 85、exp:exponential(指数); 86、imagesc:scale data and display as image; 87、all:determine whether all array elements are nonzero or true; 88、sort:sort array elements in ascending or descending order; 89、sparse:create sparse matrix; 90、set:set Handle Graphics object properties; 91、inv:matrix inverse(逆矩阵); 92、drawnow:flush event queue and update figure window; 93、rem:remainder after division(取余数); 94、tril:extract lower triangular part of matrix; 95、nargchk:validate number of input arguments; 96、ordfilt2:2-D order-statistic filtering; 97、im2double:convert image to double precision; 98、pdist:pairwise distance between pairs of objects; 99、version:version number for MATLAB and libraries; 100、nargchk:validate number of input arguments; 101、isa:determine whether input is object of given class(类型,如:char、int8); 102、varargin:variable length input argument list; 103、varargout:variable length output argument list; 104、strcmpi:compare strings ignoring case(忽略大小写); 105、ndims:number of array dimensions; 106、assert:generate an error when a condition is violated; 107、strcmp:compare strings; 108、ordfilt2:2-D order-statistic filtering(类似于形态学灰度图像膨胀); 109、eps:floating-point relative accuracy; 110、randsample:random sample, with or without replacement; 111、feval:execute the specified function; 112、dot:vector dot product(向量点积); 113、cross:vector cross product(向量叉积); 114、svd:singular value decomposition(奇异值分解); 115、numel:number of elements in an array or subscripted array expression; 116、nnz:number of nonzero matrix elements;可以用来计算某矩阵中某元素的个数; 117、wiener2:2-D adaptive noise-removal filtering(二维自适应维纳滤波); 118、medfilt2:2-D median filtering; 119、wavedec2:multilevel 2-D wavelet decomposition; 120、wrcoef2:reconstruct single branch from 2-D wavelet coefficients; 121、wpdencmp:de-noising or compression using wavelet packets; 122、adjust:adjust image intensity values or colormap; 123、movegui:move a figure window to a specified position on the screen; 124、uicontrol:create user interface control; 125、waitforbuttonpress:wait for key/buttonpress over figure; 126、imhist:display histogram of image data; 127、smooth:smooth response data; 128、cputime:returns the CPU time in seconds; 129、bitset:set bit at specified position;设置数的某一位二进制位为1或0; 130、bitget:get bit at specified position;取的数的某一位二进制位(只能是0或1); 131、load:load workspace variables from disk; 132、axis:control axis scaling and appearance; 133、subplot:create axes in tiled positions; 134、uimenu:create user interface menu; 135、eval:execute string with MATLAB expression; 136、segment:segments data and estimate models for each segment(分割字符); 137、strcat:concatenate strings horizontally; 138、num2str:convert numbers to string; 139、diff:difference and approximate derivative(导数); 140、imcomplement:complement image(图像反处理); 141、bwmorph:morphological operations on binary image(二值图像形态学运算); 142、strel:create morphological structuring element; 143、regionprops:measure properties of image regions; 144、rectangle:create rectangle, rounded-rectangle, or ellipse; 145、text:create text object in current axes; 146、radon:radon transform(用于检测图像中的线); 147、ind2sub:multiple subscripts from linear index(把数组的单索引值(按列进行排列)转化相应的下标值(行列值)); 148、uigetfile:open standard dialog box for retrieving files; 149、im2col:rearrange image blocks into columns(按列重新排列图像块); 150、sim:simulate dynamic system(仿真动态系统,如仿真神经网络); 151、newff:create feed-forward backpropagation network(生成一个BP网络); 152、imadjust:adjust image intensity values or colormap; 153、stretchlim:find limits to contrast stretch an image(获得图像对比度拉伸范围); 154、input:request user input; 155、mse:mean squared normalized error performance function(可用来计算神经网络的均方误差); 156、legend:graph legend for lines and patches(图例的线条和patches); 157、init:initialize neural network(初始化一个神经网络); 158、train:train neural network(训练一个神经网络); 159、dir:folder listing(列举当前文件夹里(或指定文件夹)所有的文件与文件夹); |