Word pretest
Unit 1
1.What is your assessment of this state of affairs? 评定;估价
A. evaluation 评价;评估;估价
B. prediction 预报;语言
C. position 位置
2.He teaches a remedial class for first-graders. 的;补救的;矫正的
A. elementary 基本的;初级的
B. advanced 高级的;先进的
C. helping 辅助的
3.We received a lift from his speech. 提升
A. message 消息;启示
B. encouragement 鼓励
C. disappointment 失望;沮丧
4.The ability to speak several languages was among his attainments. 造诣;成就
A. merits 优点;功绩
B. achievements 业绩;获得
C. virtues 优点;美德
5.He drove at a constant speed. 不变的;恒定的
A. unchanging 不变的
B. various 各种各样的
C. great 伟大的;重大的;极好的
6.We made plans for a visit, but subsequent difficulties with the car prevented it. 后来
A. unexpected 意外的,想不到的
B. continuous 连续的,持续的
C. later 后来的
7.The prospective member of Parliament for our town will be introduced to the local
party tonight. 未来的;预期的
A. ambitious 有目标的
B. promising 有前途的
C. expected 预期的;预料的
8.I didn’t know anything about any of the books so my choice was quite arbitrary. 任意
A. based on facts
B. based on reason
C. based on chance or personal opinion
Unit 2
1.The camera panned from her face to a middle-aged man. 被摇动
A. turned off 关掉
B. fixed 固定
C. was moved 移动
2.The candle flickered in the breeze. 闪烁
A. shined brightly
B. shined steadily
C. shined unsteadily
3.The message extinguished her hopes of Richard’s return. 熄灭;灭绝
A. raised 提高;举起
B. destroyed 破坏
C. questioned 怀疑;询问
4.The explosion sent the aircraft plummeting towards the sea. 垂直落下
A. falling headlong 头向地
B. shooting upward 向上
C. flying quickly迅速地
5.The gang tried to intimidate the merchant. 恐吓,威胁
A. encourage
B. frighten
C. catch
6.The author’s latest book eclipses all his previous ones. 遮暗;使黯然失
A. displays 显示
B. casts a shadow upon 投阴影
C. surpasses 超越;胜过,优于
7.It is 250 years since the wolf became extinct in Britain. 灭绝
A. still living
B. no longer in existence
C. not easily found
8.The stern old faiths have all pulverized. 粉碎
A. become stronger
B. been shattered 打碎;削弱
C. been crushed 压碎
9.By some fluke the judges passed over the obvious choices and chose her. 侥幸
A. success
B. accident
C. breeze 微风;轻而易举的事
10.The blizzard brought 60-mile-an-hour winds and 2 feet of snow. 暴风雪
A. wind
B. earthquake
C. snowstorm
11.The widow gave a plaintive wail at the grave side. 哀伤的;悲哀的
A. sad
B. hysteric 亢奋的
C. lonely
Unit 3
1.Those who left for reasons other than a well-founded fear of persecution were
designated for repatriation. 遣返
A. punishment 惩罚
B. imprisonment 监禁
C. sending back to their own country
2.We mustn’t let things fester. 溃烂
A. remain the same
B. change for the better
C. become worse
3.He sought asylum in Brazil. 庇护;收容所
A. mental hospital
B. protection given to a person by his home country
C. protection given to a person by one country from arrest in another
4.He has been an exile for fifteen years. 流放
A. a person who has been living abroad
B. a person who has been involved in political activities
C. a person who has been forced to leave his home country for political reasons
5.Wherever he goes, he readily accommodates to new circumstances. 适应
A. adapts himself to
B. finds a lodging in 占阵地
C. makes a close study of
6.He gave her a gold brooch as a token of esteem. 作为标志
A. an expression
B. a gift
ignore subsequent bad blocksC. a badge 标记
7.The main impediment to development is the country’s huge foreign debt. 妨碍;阻止
A. aid 帮助
B. block 障碍物
C. way
8.The country is now undergoing economic rehabilitation. 恢复
