1.10 The Current State of Bareos
1.10.1 What is Implemented
Job Control
o Network backup/restore with centralized Director.
o Internal scheduler for automatic Job execution.
o Scheduling of multiple Jobs at the same time.
o You may run one Job at a time or multiple simultaneous Jobs (sometimes called multiplexing).
o Job sequencing using priorities.
o Console interface to the Director allowing complete control. Some GUIs are also available.
o 集中管控网络备份与恢复.
o 任务自动内部调度优化
o 支持多任务同时进行
o 支持多路复用技术
o 支持任务的优先级设定
o Verification of files previously cataloged, permitting a Tripwire like capability (system break-in detection).
o CRAM-MD5 password authentication between each component (daemon).
o Configurable TLS (SSL) communications encryption between each component.
o Configurable Data (on Volume) encryption on a Client by Client basis.
o Computation of MD5 or SHA1 signatures of the file data if requested.
o 在执行任务时会对先期任务进行校验
o 每个组件之间需要CRAM-MD5身份校验
o 每个组件之间支持可配置的TLS(SSL)通信加密
o 支持可配置的加密客户端
o 支持数据的MD5或SHA1签名校验
o 可恢复到指定日期的备份
o 通过引导文件可迅速恢复目录数据库
o 通过bscan扫描备份卷可重建目录数据库
o Restore of one or more files selected interactively either for the current backup or a backup prior to a specified time and date.
o Listing and Restoration of files using stand-alone bls and bextract tool programs. Among other things, this permits extraction of files when Bareos and/or the catalog are not available. Note, the recommended way to restore files is using the restore command in the Console. These programs are designed for use as a last resort.
o Ability to restore the catalog database rapidly by using bootstrap files (previously saved).
o Ability to recreate the catalog database by scanning backup Volumes using the bscanignore subsequent bad blocks program.
SQL Catalog
o 通过记忆卷、池、任务和文件 对目录数据库的备份
o 支持PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite
o 用户可扩展查询到PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite
o Catalog database facility for remembering Volumes, Pools, Jobs, and Files backed up.
o Support for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite Catalog databases.
o User extensible queries to the PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite databases.
Advanced Volume and Pool Management
o Labeled Volumes, preventing accidental overwriting (at least by Bareos).
o Any number of Jobs and Clients can be backed up to a single Volume. That is, you can backup and restore Linux, Unix and Windows machines to the same Volume.
o Multi-volume saves. When a Volume is full, Bareos automatically requests the next Volume and continues the backup.
o Pool and Volume library management providing Volume flexibility (e.g. monthly, weekly, daily Volume sets, Volume sets segregated by Client, ...).
o Machine independent Volume data format. Linux, Solaris, and Windows clients can all be backed up to the same Volume if desired.
o The Volume data format is upwards compatible so that old Volumes can always be read.
o A flexible message handler including routing of messages from any daemon back to the Director and automatic email reporting.
o Data spooling to disk during backup with subsequent write to tape from the spooled disk files. This prevents tape ”shoe shine” during Incremental/Dierential backups.
Advanced Support for most Storage Devices
o Autochanger support using a simple shell interface that can interface to virtually any autoloader program. A script for mtx is provided.
o Support for autochanger barcodes – automatic tape labeling from barcodes.
o Automatic support for multiple autochanger magazines either using barcodes or by reading the tapes.
o Support for multiple drive autochangers.
o Raw device backup/restore. Restore must be to the same device.
o 支持裸设备的备份和恢复,前提是恢复时需要恢复到相同规格的设备
o All Volume blocks contain a data checksum.
o Migration support – move data from one Pool to another or one Volume to another.
Multi-Operating System Support
o 支持任意长度的文件名和信息
o 如果通过通过网络传输,会自动为数据进行加密压缩
o Programmed to handle arbitrarily long filenames and messages.
o Compression on a file by file basis done by the Client program if requested before network transit.
o Saves and restores POSIX ACLs and Extended Attributes on most OSes if enabled.
o Access control lists for Consoles that permit restricting user access to only their data.
o Support for save/restore of files larger than 2GB.
o Support ANSI and IBM tape labels.
o Support for Unicode filenames (e.g. Chinese) on Win32 machines
o Consistent backup of open files on Win32 systems using Volume Shadow Copy (VSS).
