Vacate runway 脱离跑道
Climb straight ahead 直线爬升
Expedite climb/descent 加速爬升/下降
Fly straight to
Direct (to)
Proceed to  直飞
Set heading to
Commence climb 开始爬升
Increase the rate of climb 增加爬升率
Reduce the rate of descent 降低下降率
Resume the rate of climb 恢复爬升率
Adjust 调节、整
Intercept 200 radial 切入200度径向线
Intercept the localizer 截获航向道
Available 可用的
Alternative 备选、用
Landing delay 落地延误
Until further advised 直到下一步指令
Even/odd level 偶、奇数
Lose time 消耗时间
Expect further clearance EFC 预计下一个指令
Extended holding 延长等待
Hold at/over (航路点)/上空等待
Hold on (径向线)上等待
Controlled airspace 管制区域
Leave (level)…for (level)…离开
Maintain own separation 自行保持安全间隔
Holding instruction/procedure/information
Inbound track 向台轨迹
Outbound time 被台时间、出航边时间
Hold as published 按公布等待
Revised 修改的
Field/runway in sight 看见机场、跑道
Visual approach 目视进近
Established on the localizer 建立航向道
Straight in approach 直接进近
Reduce speed to minimum approach speed
Outer marker 外指点标
Make one orbit right
= make a three sixty turn right 右转一圈
Circle to land 反向盘旋着陆
Circuit height 起落航线高度
Maneuver right and left 左右机动
Spacing/separation 间隔
No contact at minima 最低安全高度看不见跑道
Traffic congestion 交通拥堵
I’ll keep you advised. 我会与你保持联系。
Keep us advised. 与我们保持联系
Take first(数字) right (方向).右边第一个道口
Turn off 脱离道
Identification 识别
Vectoring 引导
Resume own navigation. 恢复自主导航
Radar service terminated. 雷达服务终止
Radar resuming operation/normal. 雷达恢复工作、正常
Speed restriction 速度限制
Take you through the localizer. 引导你穿过航向道。
Now passed clear. 冲突解除
Variable 不定
Wind variable 风向不定
Deteriorating/worsening 恶化
Windshear warning/alert 风切边警告
Height of windshear layer 风切边高度层
Height range 高度范围
Divert to 备降
Alternate 备降机场
