Python_字符串简单加密解密 1def crypt(source,key):
2from itertools import cycle
3    result=''
4    temp=cycle(key)
5for ch in source:
6        result=result+chr(ord(ch)^ord(next(temp)))
密码字符串是什么7return result
9 source='Jiangxi Insstitute of Busiess and Technology'
10 key='zWrite'
12print('Before Encrypted:'+source)
13 encrypted=crypt(source,key)
14print('After Encrypted:'+encrypted)
15 decrypted=crypt(encrypted,key)
16print('After Decrypted:'+decrypted)
17# Before Encrypted:Jiangxi Insstitute of Busiess and Technology
18# After Encrypted:0>w;>Z8I6  >E9I?
19# .
20# After Decrypted:Jiangxi Insstitute of Busiess and Technology
