    English Answer:
    The haikai gene is a gene that encodes a protein that is involved in the development of the nervous system. It is located on chromosome 1 in humans and is composed of 11 exons and 10 introns. The haikai gene is expressed in the developing brain and spinal cord, and its protein product is thought to play a role in the formation of synapses and the establishment of neural circuits.
    Mutations in the haikai gene have been linked to a number of neurological disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, and epilepsy. These mutations are thought to disrupt the normal function of the haikai protein, leading to problems with brain development and function.
    The haikai gene is a complex and important gene that plays a vital role in the development of the nervous system. Further research on this gene is needed to better understand its function and the role it plays in neurological disorders.
