Write once,run
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"Write once,run anywhere"(WORA),or sometimes Write once,run everywhere(WORE),is a slogan created by Sun Microsystems to illustrate the cross-platform benefits of the Java language.[1][2]Ideally,this means Java can be developed on any device,compiled into a standard bytecode and be expected to run on any device equipped with a Java virtual machine(JVM).The installation of a JVM or Java interpreter on chips,devices or software packages has become an industry standard practice.
"Write once,run anywhere"(WORA),一处写成,处处使用,有时也写成Write once,run everywhere(WORE),是一个Sun Microsystems(Sun微系统公司)提出的口号,来阐述Java语言跨平台的好处.[1][2]这样说指的是,Java可以在任何设备上开发,编译成标准字节码,并在任何装备了Java virtual machine (JVM,Java虚拟机)的设备上运行.在芯片,设备或软件包上安装JVM或Java解释器已经成为了工
This means a programmer can develop code on a PC and can expect it to run on Java enabled cell phones,as well as on routers and mainframes equipped with Java,without any adjustments.This is intended to save software developers the effort of writing a different version of their software for each platform or operating system they intend to deploy on.
这意味着,程序员可以在一台电脑商开发代码,而让它运行在Java 支持的手机,以及Java装备的路由器和大型主机上使用,而无须做任何修改,这样的目的是节省软件开发者的时间精力,以免为每个要使用软件的平台或操作系统都写一个不同的版本
The catch is that since there are multiple JVM implementations, on top of a wide variety of different operating systems such as Windows,Linux,Solaris,NetWare,HP-UX,and Mac OS,there can be subtle differences in how a program may execute, which may require an application to be tested on various target platforms.This has given rise to the joke among Java developers,"Write Once,Debug Everywhere".[3]However,for a developer,the abstraction layer that Java provides is usually more convenient than recompiling software for each combination of operating system and architecture that it should run on and still represents a significant reduction in work when developing and supporting an application on multiple platforms.[citation needed]
有一个潜在的问题,因为有多个JVM的实现,分别在很多不同的操作系统上,比如Windows,Linux,Solaris,NetWare,HP-UX,和Mac OS,可能在程序执行的时候会有微小的不同,这样就可能需要应用程序在不同的目标平台上被测试.这样在JAVA开发者中有了一个笑话,"一处写成,处处要改".[3]然而,对于一个开发者来说,Java提供的抽象层通常比在每一个操作系统和构造上重编译软件要方便的多,这样,当在开发软件并支持多个平台的时候,还是代表了工作量的大量减轻[出处待查]
^"JavaSoft ships Java1.0".Sun Microsystems.1996-01-23 "Java软件推出Java1.0"太阳微系统公司1996-01-23
"Java's write-once-run-everywhere capability along with
its easy accessibility have propelled the software and
Internet communities to embrace it as the de facto
standard for writing applications for complex networks"
^"Write once,run anywhere?".Computer Weekly.2002-05-02. "一次写成,处处使用?"Computer Weekly2002-05-02
wwwputerweekly/Articles/2002/05/02/186793/w rite-once-run-anywhere.htm.Retrieved on2009-07-27.
^Wong,William(2002-05-27)."Write Once,Debug Everywhere".electronicdesign.
electronicdesign/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=2255 &pg=3.Retrieved on2008-08-03.
"So far,the"write-once,run-everywhere"promise of Java hasn't come true.The bulk of a Java application will migrate
between most Java implementations,but taking advantage of a VM-specific feature causes porting problems."
See also
Criticisms of cross-platform development and this slogan 跨平台开发和对这个口号的批评
Write once,compile anywhere
C to Java Virtual Machine compilers
