    Port Discharge Damage Handling Procedure.
    When cargo is damaged during port discharge, it is important to take the following steps to ensure that the damage is properly documented and handled:
    1. Notify the carrier and the consignee. The first step is to notify the carrier and the consignee of the damage. This should be done as soon as possible after the damage is discovered.truncated怎么解决
    2. Inspect the cargo. Once the carrier and the consignee have been notified, the cargo should be inspected to determine the extent of the damage. This should be done by a qualified surveyor.
    3. Document the damage. The next step is to document the damage. This can be done by taking photographs, videos, and/or obtaining written statements from witnesses.
    4. File a claim with the carrier. Once the damage has been documented, a claim should be filed with the carrier. The claim should include a description of the damage, the date and time of the damage, and the amount of the claim.
    5. Negotiate with the carrier. Once the claim has been filed, the carrier will likely investigate the claim and respond with an offer to settle. The claimant should be prepared to negotiate with the carrier to reach a fair settlement.
    6. Litigation. If the claimant is unable to reach a fair settlement with the carrier, they may consider filing a lawsuit. This should be done as a last resort, as litigation can be expensive and time-consuming.
    1. 通知承运人和收货人。第一步是将损坏情况通知承运人和收货人。这应在发现损坏后尽快进行。
    2. 检查货物。在通知承运人和收货人后,应检查货物以确定损坏程度。这应由合格的验货师进行。
    3. 记录损坏。下一步是记录损坏。这可以通过拍照、录制视频和/或获取证人书面陈述来完成。
    4. 向承运人提出索赔。记录损坏后,应向承运人提出索赔。索赔应包括损坏描述、损坏日期和时间以及索赔金额。
    5. 与承运人协商。索赔提出后,承运人可能会调查索赔并提出和解要约。索赔人应准备好与承运人协商以达成公平的和解。
    6. 诉讼。如果索赔人无法与承运人达成公平的和解,他们可以考虑提起诉讼。这应作为最后的手段,因为诉讼可能会很昂贵且耗时。
