专利名称:Receipt form
发明人:永田 和生truncated form
摘要:(57)< Abstract > < Topic > On back of the receipt which is issued small and large various rhinocerosesTo make that information of announcement of zu is placed possible, roll condition reshiBy doing the accurate control of disconnection place of to form, widereshi where the announcement function which is not the times when
announcement information breaks off midway is highto is offered. Solutions Solving the receipt of this device, the above-mentioned topicIn order to do, back of the receipt printing aspect of the roll condition receipt formPutting, with information of announcement of optional length the end of the particular announcement information fieldIt features that the end indicator which shows Ryo position is printedIt is the ru receipt form. Furthermore, roll condition receipt formIn the back of the receipt printing aspect, information of announcement of optional lengthThe announcement which is equal to the length of information of particular announcement according to the information of particular announcementWith the receipt form which features that the indicator is printedCertain. As for aforementioned indicator, with black and the like of specified high concentration level signThe issue it is done. With this, the ho it is for roll condition receiptAs for the paper, length of information of receipt printing which is printed on the surface sideBreakpoint of the aforementioned announcement information field which although, is p
rinted on back sideIt means with to be cut to every ri.
代理人:西山 善章
