This document contains the following sections:
1.Application setup
2.Database load
Section 1 – Application setup
1.Obtain the following software installation images and license files:
∙Oracle or
∙Teamcenter 2007
∙Teamcenter 2007 license file
∙Teamcenter for lifecycle visualization embedded viewer
∙Java JRE 1.5.0
2.Install the Teamcenter for life cycle visualization embedded viewer. Record the location in which the viewer is installed, you will need it when installed Teamcenter.
3.Install Oracle or as follows:
∙Install the Oracle database server choosing the Advanced Installation option. Choose Enterprise Edition as the installation type. Do not create a starter database.
∙Create a listener, name = LISTENER, port = 1521. In the Services panel, make sure the listener is set to start automatically.
∙Create a database using the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant and the Teamcenter database templates available on the Teamcenter install image. The SID name is not critical (trng is often used). Accept all the default tablespace sizes.
4.Install Java JRE 1.5.0:
a.Install Java JRE 1.5.0.
b.Add the path to the Java BIN directory to the front of the system environment variable, PATH.
5.Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable.
From the Teamcenter 2007.1 installation image, double-click additional_applications\vcredist_x86\
6.Install Teamcenter:
a.Run Teamcenter Environment Manager (TEM) by double-clicking tem.bat on the Teamcenter install image.
b.Select the following solutions:
∙Corporate Server
∙Flex licensing Server
∙Rich Client 2-tier
c.Select the following license level for the embedded viewer: Mockup.
7.After the Teamcenter installation is complete, restart the machine.
8.Verify that you can log on to Teamcenter using infodba/infodba.
9.Verify that you can create and edit a text dataset.
10.Exit Teamcenter.
Section 2 – Database load
This section contains information for loading the dmp database.
1.Obtain the dmp database file
2.also the volumes and the TC_DATA folder
3.Import the Oracle dump file, like aaa.dmp, provided in the database zip file.
a.Open a Command Prompt window.
truncate的数据如何恢复b.Set ORACLE_HOME using the set command.
c.Set ORACLE_SID using the set command.
d.Type: sqlplus /nolog
e.Type: connect system/system-password@SID as sysdba
system-password = password of the Oracle use system
SID = Oracle SID
f.Type: @%ORACLE_HOME%\assistants\dbca\templates\tc_unpopulate_db.sql
g.Type: exit
h.Type: imp system/system-password@SID file=directory-you-selected\aaa.dmp log=log-dir\oracle_load.log fromuser=infodba touser=infodba commit=Y
system-password = password of the Oracle use system
SID = Oracle SID
directory-you-selected = directory in which the training database zip file was unzipped.
Log-dir = directory in which to create the log file. This can be any location.
4.Install the training database directories:
a.Delete the contents of the TC_DATA directory you created when installing the Teamcenter corporate server.
b.Copy the contents of backuped to your TC_DATA directory.
5.Rename the pom_schema file:
a.In the TC_DATA directory, locate the pom_schema file, which is named pom_schema_X
b.Rename the file to pom_schema_yourserver_yoursid where:
∙yourserver = the hostname of your Oracle server
∙yoursid = the name of the Oracle SID you created
6.Edit the tc_profilevars.bat file:
a.In the TC_DATA directory, locate tc_profilevars.bat.
b.Make the following changes:
change to:
change to:
set IMAN_DB_CONNECT=infodba: XXXXX @your_sid
(substitute appropriate name for your_sid)
change to:
set TC_DB_CONNECT=infodba: XXXXX @your_sid
(substitute appropriate name for your_sid)
change to:
set ORACLE_SERVER=Oracle_server
(insert name of the machine running the Oracle server for Oracle_server)
change to:
set ORACLE_SID=your_sid
(substitute appropriate name for your_sid)
change to:
set UGII_LICENSE_FILE=27000@TC_license_server
(substitute the name of the machine running the Teamcenter license server for TC_license_server)
7.Edit the a file:
a.In the TC_DATA directory, locate a.