清洁验证之分析方法-上(中英文版)(PDA TR 49内容节选6)
6.0 Analytical Methods分析方法
It is essential to a cleaning validation program that the appropriate analytical methods are utilized.
Analytical methods must be appropriate in that they can adequately detect the residue(s) of concern.分析方法必须适当,能充分检测到相关残留物。
It is also important to understand what can be concluded from the analytical result (e.g., was the productnot removed or was the cleaning agent not removed?).
对能从分析结果中推断出什么的理解也是非常重要的(比如:产品没有被去除或清洗剂没有被去除?) 。
The results of testing will determine if the cleaning validation cycle is acceptable or if it needs
to beredeveloped.
Thus, it is important to have confidence in the results.
This section discusses how to select the appropriate assay methods, detailed information on theapplicability and use of nonspecific assays and microbial test methods,and assay method validation.
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6.1 Specific Analytical Methods
6.1 特定分析方法
Specific analytical methods are those which measure a certain residue in the presence of expectedinterferences.
In a cleaning process for biotechnology products where the specific analyte is the active protein, suchinterferences may include degradation products and related substances, excipients, cleaning agents andcleaning agent by-products.
Examples of specific methods include HPLC, ELISA,SDS PAGE, and PCR.
of these methods requires the use of an appropriate reference standard.
In contrast, nonspecific analytical methods measure a general property, such as conductivity orTOC,which could be due to a variety of analytes or sources.
相对而言, 非特定分析方法测量通用属性, 比如:电导率或者 TOC, 因为分析物或者来源的多样性。
Selection of an analytical method will depend on the nature of the residue as it exists after the cleaningprocess.
Only if a protein (or other organic active) is not degraded during the cleaning process (surviving hightemperatures and pH extremes in an aqueous environment, for example) does it make sense to use a specific analytical method for that active.
只有当一种蛋白质(或者其他有机活性物质)在清洁过程中不能被降解(例如:在高温和极端 PH 的水环境下残存) ,使用那种物质的特定分析方法才有意义。
The advantage of using a specific analytical method in this situation is that it gives a precise measure ofthe major residue of concern – the active itself.
If a specific analytical method for an active protein were utilized following a cleaning process which hasbeen demonstrated to denature (degrade) that active protein, it is likely that residues of the activeprotein would be non-detectable (i.e., not measurable) by that specific analytical method.
如果一个活性蛋白质的特定分析方法在紧接着的清洁过程中被使用,这个清洁过程用来证明降解(变性)这个活性蛋白质。这个活性蛋白残留通过这个特定分析方法将很可能检测不到(不能被检测) 。
Residues of that protein would be various degraded fragments.
If the native protein were actually detected using a specific method for that protein, it is likely that therehad been a serious problem with the cleaning process, such as a clogged spray device causing a lack ofcoverage of that portion of the equipment surface.
In such a case, failure would also most likely be detected by a nonspecific method and/or by visualexamination.
Consequently, if a specific assay method is used, a nonspecific assay method is also required, unlessstudies prove that the product is not degraded by the cleaning process.
In biotechnology cleaning validation, specific analytical techniques such as HPLC are more likely to beused for detergents, because the surfactants or other functional materials in the detergents are not likelyto degrade in the cleaning process.
在生物技术清洁验证中,特定分析技术比如 HPLC 更倾向用于清洗剂的检测,因为表面活性剂或者清洁剂中的功能材料在清洁过程中不可能分解。
However, it should be noted that nonspecific methods can also be used for detergents and other cleaningagents.
6.2 Impact of Inactivation/Degradation of the Active
6.2 活性物质的降解/ 灭活的影响
Product inactivation means that the active protein is modified in some way such that it is no longer activeand may no longer be measurable by specific analytical methods for that native protein.
