C H A P T E R15
Concurrency Control
This chapter describes how to control concurrent execution in a database,in
order to ensure the isolation properties of transactions.A variety of protocols are
described for this purpose.If time is short,some of the protocols may be omitted.
We recommend covering,at the least,two-phase locking(Sections15.1.1),through
15.1.3,deadlock detection and recovery(Section15.2,omitting Section15.2.1),
and the phantom phenomenon(Section15.8.3).The most widely used techniques
would thereby be covered.
It is worthwhile pointing out how the graph-based locking protocols gener-alize simple protocols,such as ordered acquisition of locks,which students may
have studied in an operating system course.Although the timestamp protocols by
themselves are not widely used,multiversion two-phase locking(Section15.6.2)
is of increasing importance since it allows long read-only transactions to run
concurrently with updates.
The phantom phenomenon is often misunderstood by students as showing that two-phase locking is incorrect.It is worth stressing that transactions that scan
a relation must read some data tofind out what tuples are in the relation;as long
as this data is itself locked in a two-phase manner,the phantom phenomenon will
not arise.
15.20What benefit does strict two-phase locking provide?What disadvantages
Answer:Because it produces only cascadeless schedules,recovery is very
easy.But the set of schedules obtainable is a subset of those obtainable
from plain two phase locking,thus concurrency is reduced.
15.21Most implementations of database systems use strict two-phase locking.
Suggest three reasons for the popularity of this protocol.
Answer:It is relatively simple to implement,imposes low rollback over-
head because of cascadeless schedules,and usually allows an acceptable
level of concurrency.
124Chapter 15Concurrency Control
15.22Consider a variant of the tree protocol called the forest protocol.The
database is organized as a forest of rooted trees.Each transaction T i must follow the following rules:
•The first lock in each tree may be on any data item.
truncated data•The second,and all subsequent,locks in a tree may be requested only if the parent of the requested node is currently locked.
•Data items may be unlocked at any time.
•A data item may not be relocked by T i after it has been unlocked by T i .
Show that the forest protocol does not ensure serializability.Answer:Take a system with 2trees:n1n8n9n7n4n3n2n11n12
n10n6n5We have 2transactions,T 1and T 2.Consider the following legal schedule:
This schedule is not serializable.
15.23Under what conditions is it less expensive to avoid deadlock than to allow
deadlocks to occur and then to detect them?
Answer:Deadlock avoidance is preferable if the consequences of abort are serious(as in interactive transactions),and if there is high contention and a resulting high probability of deadlock.
15.24If deadlock is avoided by deadlock-avoidance schemes,is starvation still
possible?Explain your answer.
Answer:A transaction may become the victim of deadlock-prevention rollback arbitrarily many times,thus creating a potential starvation situ-ation.
15.25In multiple-granularity locking,what is the difference between implicit
and explicit locking?
Answer:When a transaction explicitly locks a node in shared or exclusive mode,it implicitly locks all the descendents of that node in the same mode.
The transaction need not explicitly lock the descendent nodes.There is no difference in the functionalities of these locks,the only difference is in the way they are acquired,and their presence tested.
15.26Although SIX mode is useful in multiple-granularity locking,an exclusive
and intention-shared(XIS)mode is of no use.Why is it useless?
Answer:An exclusive lock is incompatible with any other lock kind.
Once a node is locked in exclusive mode,none of the descendents can be simultaneously accessed by any other transaction in any mode.Therefore an exclusive and intend-shared declaration has no meaning.
15.27The multiple-granularity protocol rules specify that a transaction T i can
lock a node Q in S or IS mode only if T i currently has the parent of Q locked in either IX or IS mode.Gi
ven that SIX and S locks are stronger than IX or IS locks,why does the protocol not allow locking a node in S or IS mode if the parent is locked in either SIX or S mode?
If T i has locked the parent node P in S or SIX mode then it means it has implicit S locks on all the descendent nodes of the parent node including Q.So,there is no need for locking Q in S or IS mode and the protocol does not allow doing that.
15.28When a transaction is rolled back under timestamp ordering,it is assigned
a new timestamp.Why can it not simply keep its old timestamp?
Answer:A transaction is rolled back because a newer transaction has read or written the data which it was supposed to write.If the rolled back transaction is re-introduced with the same timestamp,the same reason for rollback is still valid,and the transaction will have be rolled back again.
This will continue indefinitely.
126Chapter 15Concurrency Control
15.29Show that there are schedules that are possible under the two-phase lock-
ing protocol,but are not possible under the timestamp protocol,and vice versa.
Answer:A schedule which is allowed in the two-phase locking protocol but not in the timestamp protocol is:
This schedule is not allowed in the timestamp protocol because at step 7,the
W-timestamp of B is 1.
A schedule which is allowed in the timestamp protocol but not in the two-phase locking protocol is:
This schedule cannot have lock instructions added to make it legal under two-phase locking protocol because T 1must unlock (A )between steps 2and 3,and must lock (B )between steps 4and 5.
15.30Under a modified version of the timestamp protocol,we require that a
commit bit be tested to see whether a read request must wait.Explain how the commit bit can prevent cascading abort.Why is this test not necessary for write requests?Answer:Using the commit bit,a read request is made to wait if the transaction which wrote the data item has not yet committed.Therefore,if the writing transaction fails before commit,we can abort that transaction alone.The waiting read will then access the earlier version in case of a
Exercises127 multiversion system,or the restored value of the data item after abort in case of a single-version system.For writes,this commit bit checking is unnecessary.That is because either the write is a“blind”write and thus independent of the old value of the data item or there was a prior read,in which case the test was already applied.
15.31As discussed in Exercise15.19,snapshot isolation can be implemented
using a form of timestamp validation.However,unlike the multiversion timestamp-ordering scheme,which guarantees serializability,snapshot isolation does not guarantee serializability.Explain what is the key differ-ence between the protocols that results in this difference.
The timestamp validation step for the snapshot isolation level checks for the presence of common written data items between the transactions.
However,write skew can occur,where a transaction T1updates an item
A whose old version is read by T2,while T2updates an item
B whose old
version is read by T1,resulting in a non-serializable execution.There is no validation of reads against writes in the snapshot isolation protocol.
The multiversion timestamp-ordering protocol on the other hand avoids the write skew problem by rolling back a transaction that writes a data item which has been already read by a transaction with a higher timestamp.
15.32Outline the key similarities and differences between the timestamp based
implementation of thefirst-committer-wins version of snapshot isola-tion,described in Exercise15.19,and the optimistic-concurrency-control-without-read-validation scheme,described in Section15.9.3.
Answer:Both the schemes do not ensure serializability.The version num-ber check in the optimistic-concurrency-control-without-read-validation implements thefirst committer-wins rule used in the snapshot isolation.
Unlike the snapshot isolation,the reads performed by a transaction in optimistic-concurrency-control-without-read-validation may not corre-spond to the snapshot of the database.Different reads by the same trans-action may return data values corresponding to different snapshots of the database.
15.33Explain the phantom phenomenon.Why may this phenomenon lead to
an incorrect concurrent execution despite the use of the two-phase locking protocol?
Answer:The phantom phenomenon arises when,due to an insertion or deletion,two transactions logically conflict despite not locking any data items in common.The insertion case is described in the book.Deletion can also lead to this phenomenon.Suppose T i deletes a tuple from a relation while T j scans the relation.If T i deletes the tuple and then T j reads the relation,T i should be serialized before T j.Yet there is no tuple that both T i and T j conflict on.
An interpretation of2PL as just locking the accessed tuples in a relation is incorrect.There is also an index or a relation data that has information
128Chapter15Concurrency Control
about the tuples in the relation.This information is read by any transaction
that scans the relation,and modified by transactions that update,or insert
into,or delete from the relation.Hence locking must also be performed on
the index or relation data,and this will avoid the phantom phenomenon.
15.34Explain the reason for the use of degree-two consistency.What disadvan-
tages does this approach have?
Answer:The degree-two consistency avoids cascading aborts and offers
increased concurrency but the disadvantage is that it does not guarantee
serializability and the programmer needs to ensure it.
15.35Give example schedules to show that with key-value locking,if any of
lookup,insert,or delete do not lock the next-key value,the phantom
phenomenon could go undetected.
Answer:In the next-key locking technique,every index lookup or insert
or delete must not only the keys found within the range(or the single
key,in case of a point lookup)but also the next-key value-that is,the key
value greater than the last key value that was within the range.Thus,if
a transaction attempts to insert a value that was within the range of the
index lookup of another transaction,the two transactions would conflict
ion the key value next to the inserted key value.The next-key value should
be locked to ensure that conflicts with subsequent range lookups of other
queries are detected,thereby detecting phantom phenomenon.
15.36Many transactions update a common ,the cash balance at a
branch),and private ,individual account balances).Explain
how you can increase concurrency(and throughput)by ordering the op-
erations of the transaction.
Answer:The private items can be updated by the individual transaca-
tions independently.They can acquire the exclusive locks for the private
items(as no other transaction needs it)and update the data items.But
the exclusive lock for the common item is shared among all the transac-
tions.The common item should be locked before the transaction decides
to update it.And when it holds the lock for the common item,all other
transactions should wait till its released.But inorder that the common
item is updated correctly,the transaction should follow a certain pattern.
A transacation can update its private item as and when it requires,but be-
fore updating the private item again,the common item should be updated.
So,essentially the private and the common items should be accessed al-
ternately,otherwise the private item’s update will not be reflected in the
common item.
a.No possibility of deadlock and no starvation.The lock for the com-
mon item should be granted based on the time of requests.
b.The schedule is serializable.
15.37Consider the following locking protocol:All items are numbered,and
once an item is unlocked,only higher-numbered items may be locked.