AS/NZS 3112/Amdt 1/2012-04-10
Amendment No. 1
AS/NZS 3112:2011
Approval and test specification—Plugs and socket-outlets
The 2011 edition of AS/NZS 3112 is amended as fol ows; the amendment(s) shoul d be inserted in the appropriate place(s).
SUMMARY : This Amendment applies to Figure 2.1, Clause 3.14.1, Appendix A and Appendix F. Published on 10 April 2012.
Approved for publ ication in New Zeal and on behal f of the Standards Council  of New Zeal and on 22 M
arch 2012.
Figure 2.1
In the first table to Figure 2.1, for Dimension C* replace  Tolerance ‘±0.15’ with ‘+0.15’.
truncated dataClause 3.14.1
In Item (c), delete  reference to ‘Clause 3.13.1 Item (g)’ and replace  with ‘Clause 3.13.5’.
AMDT No. 1 APR 2012
AMDT  No. 1 APR 2012
Appendix A, Figure A1
Delete  diagram and replace
with the following:
AMDT No. 1 APR 2012
Appendix F, Figure F1
Delete diagrams and replace
with the following:
S EC TI O N A-A (a) Two flat live pins and a round ear th pin
S EC TIO N B -B (b) Two round live pins
and a flat earth pin
AMDT No. 1 APR 2012
