activity taskcandidateuser 方法spring framework表达式assign
The activity taskCandidateUser() method in a BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) framework is used to assign a user or group of users as candidate participants for a specific task.
This method allows the BPMN engine to identify the list of potential users who can perform a particular task based on their roles or assignments within the organization.
The syntax for using the taskCandidateUser() method typically looks like this:
taskCandidateUser(String taskId, String userId)
Here, the "taskId" parameter refers to the unique identifier of the task, while the "userId" parameter represents the identifier of the user who is a candidate for completing the task.
By using this method, the BPMN workflow can dynamically allocate and reassign tasks to the most appropriate users or groups based on defined rules or conditions. It helps to streamline and automate the process of task assignment in an organizational workflow.
