1.Knowledge Articles
1.1Knowledge Articles
1.1.1Number Range*
Transaction code SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management  Master Data  Knowledge
Articles  Define Number Ranges for Knowledge Articles
Define the following number range for Knowledge Articles (because there was no standard defined number range).
1.1.2Text Determination Procedure
Transaction code SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management  Basic Functions  Text
Management  Define Text Determination Procedure
Select text Object CRM_ORDERH.
Create the following access sequence ZKA00001 by copying KA000001. Be sure to put the Solution Description above the Problem Description (this ensures that the Problem Description is shown in the text block in the webUI by default).
Create the following procedure by copying KNOWARTI. Again, be sure to put the Sequence number of Solution Description to 0003, and the Problem Description to 0004:
1.2Authorization scope
Transaction code SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management  Master Data  Knowledge
Articles  Define Authorization Scope
spring framework表达式assign
Within the authorization proflie object CRM_AUTHSC is checked
For KCC Agents only 100010 and 100020 are available
For Advies Agents only 100010 and 100030 are available
1.3Knowledge Article Transaction Type
Transaction code SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management  Transactions  Basic
Settings  Define Transaction Types
Create the following transaction type as copy from KNAR.
Create the following transaction type as copy from KNAT.
Both transactions should be assigned following channels
