Flow chart = process diagram
1. 描绘某一事物的发展或运作过程
2. 遵循某种顺序
3. 图中会标出原材料的名称和步骤的细节
4. 一般会出现一些专业生词
5. 流程最终要达成某种目的或结果
1. 读题目,确定描述什么?目的或结果?
2. 信息, 定步骤
1. 定框架, 写文章
第一段: 介绍流程图是做什么的。
第二段: 详细介绍原料与准备、每一步的变化、过程及结果。
2. 读文章,做检查
1. The flow chart illustrates the recycling process of _____.
2. The process of ____ involves the following steps.
3. The whole procedure of ___ can be categorised into ____ stages.
4. The row materials for ____ include ___, ___ and ____.
5. The first step is to ______.
6. ____ with ____ is prepared to _____.
7. ____ is used as ____ of ____.
8. _____ is mixed with ____ to produce _____.
9. _____ can change into ____, when ____.
10. The process of ____ is really a simple(complicated) process.
The pictures below show the recycling process of wasted glass bottles.
  As is displayed in the flow chart, the recycling process of glass is really a complex one.
The overall process can be categorised=classified=divided into three stages.
First, glass products in various forms are gathered=assembled in the Collection point, so that they are easily transported by special trucks or vans to the Cleaning plant, where they get sterilisation by high-pressured water. There are three different channels in the Recycling plant, namely Brown, Green and Clear, which represent the colors of glass. After recycled in the furnace, glass products are melted =forged into recycled liquid glass. Mixed with new liquid glass, the compound is finally moulded into solid glass, which, afterwards, will be sent to various customer supermarkets for selling. springboot原理图解Thus, the glass will go to the customers for different purposes.
