springboot原理书籍The Product Manager's Pyramid Principle is an approach to product management that emphasizes the importance of focusing on the most important and high-impact tasks first. The principle is based on the idea that a product manager's time and energy should be spent on the strategic and core aspects of product development, rather than getting bogged down in minor details or low-impact activities. At the base of the pyramid are the foundational tasks that are essential for the success of the product, such as understanding customer needs, market research, and defining the product vision. Moving up the pyramid, product managers should then prioritize tasks that directly contribute to achieving that vision, such as feature prioritization, roadmap planning, and product development. Finally, at the top of the pyramid are the tactical activities that support the strategic decisions, such as sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and bug prioritization. By following the Product Manager's Pyramid Principle, product managers can ensure that their time and efforts are aligned with the most critical tasks and are driving the success of the product.
