英语教案 学习常用动词的过去式
1. 学习掌握英语中常用动词的过去式形式及其用法。
2. 能够正确运用所学过去式进行日常交流和书面表达。
3. 培养学生对动词时态的敏感性,提高语言运用的准确性和流利性。
1. 学习常用动词的过去式形式。
2. 运用所学动词的过去式进行交流和表达。
Step 1 导入新课
1. Greetings and warm-up:
  - Greet the students and ask about their weekend activities using past tense.
  - Encourage students to share their experiences in the past week.
2. Review:
  - Review the concept of past tense and the formation of regular past tense verbs.
Step 2 学习常用动词的过去式形式
1. Present the common irregular past tense verbs:
  - Show a list of commonly used verbs and their corresponding past tense forms on the board or projector.
  - Pronounce the past tense forms and have students repeat after you.
  - Go → went
  - Eat → ate
  - See → saw
2. Practice the pronunciation:
  - Play an audio recording of the past tense forms and have students listen and repeat.
  - Pay attention to the pronunciation changes in irregular past tense forms.
3. Practice the formation of past tense:
  - Provide a worksheet or handout with sentences containing missing past tense verbs.
  - Students should fill in the blanks with the correct past tense form of the given verb.
  - Monitor students' progress and provide assistance when needed.
Step 3 运用所学动词的过去式进行交流和表达
1. Speaking practice:
  - Divide students into pairs or small groups.
  - Encourage them to engage in conversations using the past tense forms.
  - Provide prompts or discussion topics related to daily activities or past experiences.
2. Writing practice:
  - Assign a writing task that requires students to use past tense verbs.
  - Provide a topic or prompt for them to write a short paragraph or story in the past tense.
  - Collect and review students' written work, providing feedback and corrections.
Step 4 总结与拓展
1. Review the key points covered in the lesson:
  - Recap the formation and usage of regular and irregular past tense forms.
  - Check students' understanding through questions or a quick quiz.
2. Extension activity:
  - Provide additional exercises or activities to strengthen students' grasp of past tense forms.
  - Encourage students to continue practicing past tense verbs in their daily English communication.
