Unit1 I bought you this book.
learning aims:
(1)能听懂、会说、会认、会读baseball  , team ,  playing baseball  , give it to you ,  baseball team  , looks interesting 等单词与短语。
1) I bought you this book.
2) It looks interesting.
3) Who gave it to you?
4) Simon’s family gave it to me.等句子。
Step 1. Warm-up and show the learning aims.
1.全体学生起立,一起跟随音乐复习上一单元的poem(课本21页,activity 3)。随着音乐,大家一起说唱。边唱边做动作。
2. T: Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Module 6 Unit1 I bought you this book. (板书课题) First, please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)
Step2 : Show the guides (指导自学)
1、Read the new words by oneself in 3 minutes.
2、 Find the words “bought, gave” in the dialogue. Under line the sentences with “bought, gave”.
3、Play the tape. Listen and read the text。(请学生出把握不准读音的单词或句子)
4、Listen again and repeat.(掌握正确的发音)
5、Write down the main sentence patterns you don’t know:
⑴I bought you this book about America.
⑵It’s looks interesting.
⑶It’s for playing baseball.
⑷Simon’s family gave it to me.
⑸But you can have this one.
(Read together or follow the teacher, then translate)
Step 3 : Explain the knowledge.(后教)
1)一般是在动词末尾+ed 如:played, watched.
ride---rode ,win---won ,drink---drank , eat---ate , is---was go---went  see---saw  buy---bought  give---gave
Step 4: practice
1)Read the dialogue in part 1 in roles.
2) Act out the dialogues in roles.
3) Make the same sentences.
 For example:
I bought you a book. Thank you.
Who gave it to you? Zhang Wei gave it to me.
Step 5. Finish a task
give(过去式)            bought(原形)       
Simon(所有格形式)         little(反义词)         
2)I bought you this book .
rode , ate , played , was , drank , saw  , watched , went , won
Daming and Simon _______ to a baseball game in America. They ________ their bicycles .Then they _________the game. They ________ their favorite team. Their team ________very well and they________ .Daming and Simon _________ hot dogs and ________ colas. It ________ a great game.
Blackboard Writing:
Unit 1 I bought you this book
New words:  baseball  teamrepeat过去式  spaceship  space
Important sentences:
(1)I bought you this book. Thank you.
(2)It looks interesting.
(回顾:It looks good. 
That sounds nice. 
They look hungry
Module 6
Unit 2 what’s it about?
learning aims:
(1)能听懂、会说、会认、会读took, sent, spaceship, even, space, Russia, bicycle, American spaceship, took into ,send … into ,looks interesting , went away等单词与短语。
1) This book looks interesting.
2) What's it about?  It's about animals.等句子。
Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims
1、Sing a song “What do you want to eat?”
2、Act out the dialogues on Page 22 in book 8. (及时鼓励与强化训练,并给予指导)
3、T: My kids, today we are going to learn Module6 Unit 2 what’s it about? (板书课题) First ,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)
Step2 : Show the guides (指导自学)
1. Give the tasks: 
① Find out the new words
② Listen and read the text
③ Find out the main sentence patterns
④ Try to introduce your gift
2. Look at the pictures and find the in formations.
3. Read and underline the new words
4. Look and listen for “bought \took\ sent”.
5. Read and write down the main sentence patterns:
  Russia sent the first animal into space
  I bought her a bicycle
  What’s it about?
  It’s about animals: (Read together)
Step 3 : Explain the knowledge.(后教)
  1)句子开头的字母要大写,关于国家,民族和语言的词开头字母也大写,如:Russia  China
  2)bought是buy的过去式  , took是take的过去式 , sent是send 的过去式.
Step 4: practice: Chant and clap the hands.
play—played \do—did\eat—ate
buybought\ fly—flew\spend-spent\ take--took
Step 5. Finish a task: Talk about in pairs.
1)A: What’s it  about ?
  B ;It’s about  space travel.
2)A: what do you want to bought?
  B :I bought flowers for my mum.
Blackboard Writing:
What’s it about?
    buy—bought  take—took  send—sent
This book looks interesting.
What's it about?
It's about animals.
