Matching Pursuit (MP) Algorithm and Basis Pursuit (BP)。
Matching pursuit (MP) and basis pursuit (BP) are two closely related algorithms used for signal reconstruction and decomposition. They are iterative greedy algorithms that aim to find the best representation of a signal as a linear combination of basis elements or atoms.
Matching Pursuit Algorithm.
MP is an iterative algorithm that starts with an initial guess of the signal representation and then iteratively adds basis elements to the representation until a stopping criterion is met. At each iteration, MP selects the basis element that best matches the residual of the signal (the difference between the current representation and the original signal). The selected basis element is then added to the representation, and the residual is updated.
Basis Pursuit Algorithm.
BP is a variation of MP that uses a regularization term to penalize the size of the representation. This regularization term helps to prevent overfitting and produces a more stable representation of the signal. BP solves a constrained optimization problem to find the representation that minimizes the sum of the squared error between the representation and the original signal and the regularization term.
MP and BP are widely used in signal processing and machine learning applications, including:
Signal denoising.
正则化的英文 Image compression.
Feature extraction.
Anomaly detection.
Speech recognition.
Advantages and Disadvantages.
Simple and computationally efficient.
Can produce sparse representations.
Can be used with a variety of basis sets.