With the continuous progress of science and technology, people have stepped into the information age. As an important form of information transmission, the resolution of digital image and some turbid media will affect people's acquisition of information in the image. In the real world, there are many factors that affect the resolution of an image, such as shutter speed, scatter noise, shake, diffraction li
mit, sensor, focus, color aliasing and so on. There are also a lot of turbid media in object imaging, such as water droplets, particles, smoke and so on. All these factors and media will lead to the reduction of image resolution and the loss of some information in the image. Therefore, it is particularly important to improve the image resolution and remove the fog in the image. On the basis of imperfect imaging equipment and conditions, the image quality is improved by mathematical algorithm. The mathematical algorithm uses the sparse representation method to defog and super-resolution the image, which has a broad application prospect. Its advantage is not limited by hardware equipment and environmental conditions, but also can reduce the cost.
The application of sparse representation theory in image processing has attracted much attention, such as image denoising, face recognition and image super-resolution reconstruction. Through the way of training dictionary, image blocks can be sparse represented, image patches can be represented by as few atoms as possible, and texture features of image can be effectively extracted. The innovation of this paper lies in that the sparse representation method is used to carry out the super-resolution of the image, and at the same time, the research on image defogging is also added. The resulting image effect is better than that of the separate defogging and separate super-resolution images. The main research contents of this paper are as follows:
1. Image patches are represented by sparse linear combinations of elements in suitably selected over complete dictionaries. Thus, a sparse representation coefficient is found for each patch input with low resolution. Then, the sparse representation coefficient is used to generate high-resolution output.
2. Through joint training of low-resolution and high-resolution image patches for the
two dictionaries, the similarity of sparse representation between high-resolution and low-resolution image patches can be enhanced. Therefore, the sparse representation of low-resolution image patches can be applied together with the dictionary of high-resolution image patches to generate high-resolution image patches.
3. In the process of super-resolution image reconstruction using sparse representation method, its solution is an ill-posed problem. In order to further improve the image reconstruction quality, regularization constraints are introduced in the reconstruction process.
4. After widely knowing the existing image defogging methods, it is decided to combine the dark channel prior model defogging algorithm with the sparse representation image defogging algorithm. In order to improve the image resolution, it uses the dark channel prior model to remove the fog in the image, and then uses the sparse representation method to remove the detail noise in the image. Com
pared with previous dark channel prior models, this method has a good effect in defogging effect and fidelity.
Keywords: sparse representation; super-resolution; defogging
摘要 .................................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... II 第一章绪论 . (1)
1.1课题研究的背景及意义 (1)
1.2国内外研究现状及分析 (2)
1.2.1稀疏表示算法研究现状 (2)
1.2.2图像去雾研究现状 (2)
1.2.3图像超分辨的研究现状 (3)
1.3论文的主要研究工作及结构安排 (4)
1.3.1主要研究工作 (4)
1.3.2结构安排 (4)
第二章基础理论及应用研究 (6)
2.1图像超分辨率重建的理论基础 (6)
2.1.1图像退化模型 (6)
2.1.2超分辨重建方法概述 (7)
2.2用稀疏表示进行图像处理 (7)
2.2.1信号稀疏表示模型 (7)
2.2.2稀疏表示的优化方法 (8)
2.2.3稀疏表示的字典学习 (10)
2.3图像去雾算法 (12)
2.3.1雾霾成像模型 (12)
2.3.2非物理去雾模型 (12)
2.3.3暗通道先验去雾算法 (14)
2.4图像质量评价方法 (14)
2.5本章小结 (15)
第三章利用稀疏表示与暗通道方法对图像去雾处理 (16)
3.1利用稀疏表示方法对图像进行去噪 (17)
3.1.1算法步骤 (18)
3.2估计透射率 (18)
3.3优化透射率 (21)
3.4估计大气光 (23)
3.5实验结果及分析 (27)
3.6本章小结 (30)
第四章图像去雾后利用稀疏表示进行超分辨处理 (31)
4.1引言 (31)
4.2超分辨重构过程 (31)
4.3特征提取算法 (36)
4.4联合字典训练 (38)
4.5正则化方法自适应选择 (39)
4.6仿真实验 (41)
4.7图像去雾后进行超分辨处理效果 (45)
4.8本章小结 (53)
第五章总结与展望 (54)
5.1全文总结 (54)
5.2展望 (54)
参考文献 (56)
致谢 (60)
在读期间发表的学术论文及研究成果 (61)
