m3u8 正则表达式
    ## Regular Expressions for M3U8 Playlists.
    M3U8 playlists are a common format for streaming media, and they can be used to deliver both audio and video content. M3U8 playlists are text files that contain a list of media segments, along with metadata about each segment.
    There are a number of different regular expressions that can be used to parse M3U8 playlists. Here are a few examples:
    To match the entire playlist:
    To match a media segment:
    To match the URI of a media segment:
    To match the duration of a media segment:
    To match the bitrate of a media segment:
正则匹配解析    Regular expressions can be used to automate a variety of tasks related to M3U8 playlists. For example, you can use regular expressions to:
    Extract metadata from M3U8 playlists.
    Validate M3U8 playlists.
    Generate M3U8 playlists.
    ## 正则表达式匹配 m3u8 播放列表。
    m3u8 播放列表是一种常见的流媒体格式,它可以用于传输音频和视频内容。m3u8 播放列表是文本文件,其中包含媒体片段列表以及每个片段的元数据。
    以下是一些用于解析 m3u8 播放列表的正则表达式:
    匹配媒体片段的 URI:
    正则表达式可用于自动执行与 m3u8 播放列表相关的各种任务。例如,你可以使用正则表达式:
    从 m3u8 播放列表中提取元数据。
    验证 m3u8 播放列表。
    生成 m3u8 播放列表。
