English Answer:
1. Regular Expressions.
Regular expressions (regex) are a powerful tool for matching patterns within strings. In LabVIEW, you can use the Regular Expression Match function to test whether a string matches a given regex pattern. If there is a match, the function returns a reference to the matching substring. You can then use the Regular Expression Extract function to extract the matching portion of the string.
Here is an example of how to use regular expressions to extract the coefficient, variable, and exponent from a formula string:
正则匹配公式 // Import the necessary functions.
import lv.base.Regex as Regex.
import lv.base.RegexExtract as RegexExtract.
// Define the regex pattern to match the formula string.
const formulaPattern = "([-+]?[0-9]\\.?[0-9]+)\\s([a-zA-Z]+)\\s([(])?(-?[0-9]+)"
// Get the formula string from the user.
const formulaString = prompt("Enter the formula string: ")。
// Create a regular expression object from the pattern.
const regex = ate(formulaPattern)。
// Check if the formula string matches the pattern.
const match = regex.match(formulaString)。
// If there is a match, extract the coefficient, variable, and exponent.
if match:
const coefficient = up(1).toFloat()。
const variable = up(2)。
const exponent = up(4).toInt()。
// Handle the case where the formula string does not match the pattern.
error("The formula string is not in the correct format.")。
// Display the extracted values.
print("Coefficient:", coefficient)。
print("Variable:", variable)。