My history report, by Ethelrida Pearl Smutny. 我的历史报告 作者艾瑟丽达·珀尔·斯马特尼
Frederick Douglass once intoned, 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯曾吟诵道
Frederick Douglass once intoned, 十九世纪美国废奴运动领袖
"I stand before you as a thief and a robber. "我作为一个盗贼和抢劫犯站在你们面前
"I stole this head, these limbs, 我从我主人手里偷走了这个脑袋
this body from my master, and I ran off with them." 四肢和这具躯体 我带着它们逃跑了"
What'd you do this time? 你这次又干了什么
I been maligned. 我被诽谤了
My point being, 我想说的是
the moment our feet touched American soil, 从我们的脚踏上美国土地那一刻起
we were already criminals. 我们就是罪犯了
Next. 下一个
But this report isn't about my history. 但这份报告内容不是我个人的历史
It's about our history. 而是我们黑人的历史
Kansas City, Missouri. 密苏里州 堪萨斯城
Kansas City, Missouri. 莫斯克维茨集团
In the beginning there were the Hebrews, 一开始是希伯来人
and they ran the underworld. 他们掌管着黑帮
Then came the Irish. 然后爱尔兰人来了
Then came the Irish. 莫斯克维茨集团
Then came the Irish. 米利根商行
罪名 鸡奸 性变态 欧尼·米利根
To keep the peace, the boss of each family 为了和平共处 两个家族的首领
gave offer of his youngest son in trade. 互相交换了幼子
Relax, boychick. 别紧张 孩子
Relax, boychick. 你现在是我们的一员了
The thinking was, 他们的想法是
by raising your enemy's offspring, 养育对头的后代
an understanding could be reached. 应该能让双方达成共识
- There. - And peace maintained. -给 -维持和平
Put some hair on your bollocks. 帮你的蛋长点毛吧
See, the problem wasn't that I was disreputable. 瞧 问题并不在于我名声不好
What'd you do this time? 你这次又干了什么
Punched Dolores Disfarmer with my eye, 用我的眼睛揍了德洛丽丝·迪斯法默一拳
of course. 显而易见
I was, in fact, a student of exceptional virtue 事实上 我是个品德高尚
and high achievement. 成绩优异的学生
The problem was the only thing worse than a disreputable Negro 问题在于 唯一比声名狼藉的黑人还糟的
was an upstanding one. 就是诚实正直的黑人
I got it. 我自己能走
And so I endured the slings and arrows 所以我忍耐那些心胸狭窄的人
of small-minded folk who, in their narrow thoughts, 强加于我的无妄之灾 他们狭隘地自以为
imagined they could teach me a lesson. 能给我个教训
Well done, boyo. 干得好 孩子
Bring the lad. 把那小子带来
my son. 好了 我的儿子
Are you familiar with the legend of Goldilocks? 你知晓金发姑娘的传说吗
has been sittin' in your chair. 一直坐在你的位子上
And someone has been eatin' from your bowl. 有人一直用你的碗吃饭
And someone has been sleepin' in your bed. 有人一直睡在你的床上
It' 熊
...for bears 是时候
to be bears. 发威了
Yeah. 没错
Chew him up. 把他咬碎
Logic dictates that in every fight, 逻辑告诉我们 每场斗争
there is a winner and a loser. 都有一个赢家和一个输家
But this is a history report. 但这是份历史报告
And what does history tell us? 历史教会了我们什么
Peace don't last for long. 和平从不长久
Peace don't last for long. 米利根商会
Peace don't last for long. 法达家族
The Italians came next. 接着到来的是意大利人
That's how it worked. 当时世道就是如此
Whoever was last off the boat, 最后下船的人
finding the doors of honest capital closed, 发现诚实经商已经行不通了
rolled up their sleeves and got to work, 于是卷起袖子 开始工作
getting rich the old-fashioned way. 用传统方法发财致富
罪名 多纳泰罗·法达
罪名 多纳泰罗·法达
罪名 欢迎加入我们家族
Webster's defines "assimilation" as... 字典对"同化"的定义是
"the process of becoming similar to something." "与某物变得相似的过程"
You can check it if you want, 你想核查就核查吧
but it's factual. 但这是对的
But imbibing these words, dear reader, 但吸收这些词时 亲爱的读者
we are forced to ask, 我们被迫问道
similar to what? 和什么相似
Have a seat, Ethelrida. 请坐 艾瑟丽达
uppercutIf America is a nation of immigrants, 如果美国是一个移民国家
then how does one become American? 那一个人要如何才能成为美国人呢
I take your meaning and applaud your intent, 我明白你的意思 赞同你的意图
but if it's all the same, 但如果没区别的话
I believe I'm gonna go ahead and stand. 我想我还是直接站着吧
And, you know, he lied so much, 他谎话连篇
they called the son of a bitch "Two Face." 所以他们给那混蛋起了个外号叫"双面人"
But you can't be too careful. 再小心也不为过
So, after I shot him between the eyes I rolled him over 所以我一射入他眉心后 把他翻过身
and shot him on the other side, just to be certain. 从背后又给了他一 确保万无一失
Let it never 可不能让别人说...
It's the double cross. 有叛徒
Let me in, I got to talk to my dad. 让我进去 我有话要跟我爸说
You pig fuckers. 你们这操猪的禽兽
You sons of whores. 养的
I'll murder the lot of you! 我要把你们全灭了
I'll murder the lot of you! 完事吧
A curse 我诅咒你
A curse 还有你的孩子们
Winston Churchill said, 温斯顿·丘吉尔曾说
"History is written by the victors." "历史是由胜者书写的"
That's a fancy word for winner. 胜者就是赢家的花哨词
My folks have a system. 我家里有一套体系