Creating a database in doesn't select it for use. You have to indicate it with the USE command. The USE command is also used when you have more than one database on a MySQL server and need to switch between them.
access转mysql教程视频在中创建数据库不会选择使⽤它。 您必须使⽤USE命令进⾏指⽰。 当您在⼀个MySQL服务器上有多个数据库并且需要在它们之间进⾏切换时,也会使⽤USE命令。
You must choose the correct database each time you start a MySQL session.
MySQL中的USE命令 ( The USE Command in MySQL )
The syntax for the USE command is:
For example, this code switches to the database named "Dresses."
After you select a database, it remains the default until you end the session or choose another database with the USE command.
识别当前数据库 ( Identifying the Current Database )
If you are unsure which database is currently in use, use the following code:
This returns the name of the database currently in use. If no database is currently in use, it returns NULL.
此返回当前正在使⽤的数据库的名称。 如果当前未使⽤任何数据库,则返回NULL。
To view a list of available databases, use:
关于MySQL ( About MySQL )
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that is most often associated with web-based applications. It is the database software of choice for many of the web's largest sites including Twitter, , and YouTube. It is also the most popular database management system for small and medium-sized websites. Almost every commercial web host offers MySQL services.
MySQL是⼀种开源关系数据库管理系统,通常与基于Web的应⽤程序相关联。 它是许多Web最⼤站点(包括Twitter, 和YouTube)的⾸选数据库软件。 它也是最受欢迎的中⼩型⽹站数据库管理系统。 ⼏乎每个商业⽹络主机都提供MySQL服务。
If you are just using MySQL on a website, you won't need to be involved with the coding—the web host will handle all that—but if you are a developer new to MySQL, you'll need to learn SQL to write programs that access MySQL.
如果您只是在⽹站上使⽤MySQL,则⽆需参与编码-⽹络主机将处理所有这些⼯作-但是,如果您是MySQL的新开发⼈员,则需要学习SQL 编写程序访问MySQL。
