Online video teaching system is the new media way, it is in the original text, pictures, etc. On the basis of static information browsing, have added a video and audio dynamic browsing, etc multimedia vod services. Users can browse online video information and the be fond of according to oneself, click the play. So, the user never leave home to study knowledge, master the skills, from the traditional face-to-face teaching limitations, changed people learning environment.
The system is based on the Web video online teaching system, users can upload personal information management, video files, online watch video, search, update, and delete; For users to upload video audit and delete; On the system dynamic propaganda images of the update, delete; Super administrator can add, delete, change the common administrator information. Since the system is a small system, so the database using MySQL, easy to realize and maintenance. Realization process will HTML, JSP, servlet technology and CSS and div perfect fusion, and strive to interface aesthetics, smooth operation.
Key words
Video teaching; MySQL; JSP; Servlet
