    1. pencil-box __ pencil-box   2.wife wives  3. Sunday__Sandays______
    4. city cities 5. dress  dresses    6. Englishman _Englishmen_______
    7. match _matches__  8. Chinese _ Chinese _  9. zoo _zoos___
 10. exam__exams______ 11. German __Germans________
   二、 单词拼写:
    12. I have a lot of _exercises__ (作业) to do every day.
    13. His _ trousers _  (裤子) are new, but mine are old.
    14. It is the best one of the _photos________ (照片) in my family.
    15. Are they building any _libraries______ (图书馆) in the city?
    16. Can you cut this big pear into two __halves_____()?
    17. At the end of ___Augest____(八月), you must get ready for the new school year.
   18. I like autumn__. It’s neither hot nor cold.
   19. Tuesday_ comes after Monday.
   1, June 1st is ____ Day all over the world.
        A. Child’s  B. Childs’  C. Children’s  D. Childrens’
  2. September 10th is ___ Day in China, isn’t it?
      A. Teacher’s  B. Teachers’  C. Teacher  D. Teacher of
 3.  _____ is made of _____.
    A. Glass; glass  B. A glass; glass  C. Glasses; glass    D. A glass; glasses
4. There is ______ tree in our school.
    A. a 8-metres-tall B. an 8-metre-tall  C. an 8 metres tall
  5.  What ______ it is! Let’s go swimming.
    A. a fine weather  B. fine day  C. a fine day  D. bad weather
6. They like Chinese _____.
    A. food and peoples  B. foods and people
C. foods and people  D. food and people
7.Lucy and I go to school _____ every day.
    A. on feet  B. on foot  C. by foots  D. by buses
8. –Are those _____? -No, they aren’t. They’re _____.
    A. sheep; cows  B. sheep; cow  C. sheeps; cow  D. sheeps; cows
9. What are you listening to, Jane?  ____ or ____?
    A. a music; a news  B. music; news  C. music; news  D. music; a news
10.How many ____ and ____ are there in your class?
    A. boy student; girl ones  B. girls students; boys ones
    C. boys student; girl one  D. girl students; boy ones
11.A group of ____ are talking with two ___ over there.
    A. Frenchmen; Germans  B. Frenchmen; Germen
    C. German; Frenchmen    D. Germans; Frenchmans
 12. That bus driver drank two _____.
    A. glass of water  B. glasses of waters  C. cups of tea  D. cup of tea
 13. Mrs. Smith is an old friend of _______.
    A. Bob’s mother  B. Bob’s mother’s  C. mother of Bob  D. Bob mother’s
 14. The tall man with a big nose is _______ teacher.
    A. Tom and Carl  B. Tom’s and Carl’s  C. Tom and Carl’s
    1. In ____ time, those mountains will be covered with trees.
    A.few year  B. a few years’  C. few years    D. a few year’s
    2. Did you hear the ______ report?
    A. police  B. policemen’s  C. policemans’  D. policemens’
    3. We bought _____ for my mother’s birthday.
    A. some meats  B. some pieces meat  C. a piece of meat  D. pieces of meats
    4. –Whose is this new desk?  -It’s _____.
    A. Sue and Jim’s  B. Sue and Jim  C. Sue’s and Jim’s
