一、 选择题
1. Dark clouds _______ the sunlight. It seemed as if it was going to rain.
Aleft out  Bpicked out  Cblocked out      Dput out
2. —I’m afraid I can’t meet my mother’s expectation in the coming examination. 
    —_____. Things may not be as bad as you think.
    A. Hurry up            B. Wake up            C. Cheer up            D. Shut up
3. I was about to go shopping _________ it began to rain.
A. while        B. as          C. when        D. though
4. Because she was known for keeping her        , no one was surprised when        came that she had won the election.
  A. the word, words  B. word, word    C. a word, the word    B. words, word
5. If you don’t like the drink you ________, just leave it and try a different one.
A. ordered      B. are ordering    C. will order    D. had ordered
6. My eyesight was so good that I could even make out four figures moving____.
A.very long distances    B.from a distance
C.at a distance                  D.in the distance
7. The requirement of the government is that the citizens     not set off fireworks from January 1, 2019 on.
A. shall    B. should
C. can    D. may
8.  The food here smells very good, but what does it    like
A. feel      B. taste      C. touch      D. sense
解析:考查系动词。四个选项都可用作系动词,都可以与介词like 搭配,根据题干意思选B,构成taste like,意思是:尝着
9. The teacher always waits until all the children _____before he starts the lesson.
A. settle down        B. get down          C. set down          D. put down
10. ______ at the door, I’v hardly rung the bell______ the door opened.
  A. Being stood, until  B. Standing, before  C. Stand, until  D. Standing, since
11. Pop music is such an important part of society ____it has even influenced our language.
A. as    B. that
C. which    D. where
试题分析:句意:流行音乐是社会上如此重要的一部分以致于音乐影响了我们的语言。句中的itpop music;这里such a/an +形容词+名词+that+其他。that引导的是结果状语从句,它在从句中不作成分,只起连接的作用,故选B
12. ---Did Professor Wang say anything that _____ you especially?
---It was really boring. Actually I slept through his speech.
A. appealed to            B. attached to            C. referred to            D. adapted to
13. My sister will never speak to others like that ________they say something unpleasant to her .
A. since  B. as if  C. because  D. even if
14. It is on September 1st      students go back to school every year.
A. when        B who            C that            D what
15. I would appreciate ________ much if you could write to me as soon as possible.
A. that          B. it            C. this            D. what
16. In order to save the animals out of danger, they ____ a special place for them to live freely.
        A. set free                  B. set off                    C. set out                    D. set aside
二、 完型填空
17. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
When someone takes shoes to a shop to be mended, he is given a ticket with a number on it. Then,  36  his shoes are ready, he goes back to the shop, gives the ticket to the shoemaker, gets his shoes and  37 for them.
One day Mrs. Smith gave her husband a  38  of her shoes which needed mending and asked him to  39  them to the shop. Mr. Smith did so, and put the  40  for them in his pocket.
He went back four days  41  to get the shoes,  42  when he went into the shop, he was not able to find his ticket  43  ,and the shoemaker did not want to give him the  44  until he got the ticket.
“How do I know that the shoes are  45  unless you give me the ticket?” he said. “If I give them to you now, somebody  46  may come into my shop with the ticket tomorrow, and th
en I shall not be able to give him the shoes.”
Mrs. Smith needed the shoes very much, so her husband  47  for a moment and then went out to his  48  , which was at the side of the road   49  the shop. He  50  the door, and whistled(耳语)to his wife’s small  51  , which was sitting on the back seat. Then he went back into the shop and  52  it, “Get the shoes!” The dog began to  53  around the shop, and soon it found Mrs. Smith’s shoes and brought them to Mr. Smith one after the  54  .
