thick and thin block 提琴式滑车
thick cloud 密云
thick film circuit 厚膜电路
thick film integrated circuit 厚膜集成电路
thick film 厚膜
thick first-year ice 当年厚冰
thick fog 浓雾
thick fog 浓雾1级能见度
thick fog 浓雾;一级能见度
thick ice 厚冰
thick line 粗线
thick oil 稠油
thick paint 厚漆
thick stock 厚坯
thick stuff 厚度为4~12英寸的原木材
thick stuff 厚度为4~12英寸的原木材
thick wall 厚壁
thick weather 能见度不好的天气
thick weather 阴天
thick 粗的
thick 厚的
thick 厚的粗的浓的
thickener 增稠器
thickening plate 加厚板
thickening 变稠
thickening 增厚
thickening 增厚(或粗
thickness gauge 厚薄规
thickness gauge 厚度规
thickness gauge 塞尺
thickness line 厚度线
thickness measurement 厚度测量
thickness meter 厚度计
thickness modification in plate development 钢板展开时厚度修正
thickness of blade 叶片厚度
thickness of flange 法兰厚度
thickness of pipe 管壁厚度
thickness of plating 板厚
thickness of shaft flange 轴法兰厚度
thickness piece 厚薄规
thickness piece 厚度规
thickness piece 塞尺
thickness ratio of rudder 舵的厚度比
thickness ratio of rudder 舵的展弦比
thickness scale 厚度计
thickness 厚度
thickness 厚度稠度
thief hole 取样孔
thief knot 平结
thief net 舵侧鲱鱼网
thief sampler 油舱底部水量测定器
thief 取样器;小偷
thief 取样器小偷
thief-sampler 测水器
thief-sampler 测水器油舱底部水量测定器
thief-sampler 油舱底部水量测定器
thieving paste 测杆涂料
thieving tank 测定油舱底部水量
thigh 股
thimble assembly 装配式套管
thimble eye splice 心环索眼插接
thimble fire-tube boiler 指形管式火管锅炉
thimble tube boiler 指型管式锅炉
thimble tube composite type 指形管组合式
thimble tube-oil-fired type 指形管燃油式
thimble 索眼心环;嵌环
thimble 套管
thimble 套环
thimble-headed trysail 三角斜帆
thin boundary layer method 薄边界层法
thin cloud 薄云
thin coated electrode 薄涂料焊条
thin covered electrode 薄涂料焊条
thin drizzle 细毛毛雨
thin film circuit 薄膜电路scraper
thin film evaporate 薄膜蒸发
thin film evaporation 薄膜蒸发
thin film integrated circuit 薄膜集成电路
thin film lubrication 薄油膜润滑
thin film memory 薄膜存储器
thin film transistor 薄膜晶体管
thin film 薄膜
thin first-year ice 当年薄冰
thin flat plate 薄平板
thin fog 薄雾
thin fog 轻雾
thin fuel oil 轻燃料油
thin gauge conduit 薄铁管
thin oil 轻油
thin overcast 较明朗的阴天
thin plate 薄钢板
thin segment 薄片
thin ship theory 薄船理论
thin ship 瘦体船
thin tip 铣薄的叶顶
thin wall 薄壁
thin walled three-metal bearings 薄壁三合金轴承
thin 薄的
thin 薄的稀薄的细的
thin 薄的稀薄的细的使薄使稀簿使细vi.变薄变稀薄变细
thin 稀薄的
thin-shell 薄壳
thin-slab 薄板
thin-wall 薄壁
thin-walled box beam 薄壁箱形梁
thing pledged 担保物
things confiscated 被没收的物品
things mortgaged 抵押物
things movable 动产
things personal 动产
things real 不动产
thinkthickness 厚的厚度
thinned tip 铣薄的叶顶
thinner for nitrocellulose finishes 硝基漆稀释剂
thinner 稀释剂
thiosulfate thiosulphate
third angle projection 第三角投影法
third assistant engineer 三管轮
third bottom 第三层底
third carrier 三程船
third class 入劳埃德船级社三类船
third class 入劳埃德船级社三类船三等
third class 三等
third coat 第三度
third cook 第三厨师
third cosmic velocity 第三宇宙速度
third deck 第三层甲板
third deck 第三甲板
third engineer officer 二管轮
third engineer 二管轮
third engineer 三管轮
third generation engine 第三代中速柴油机
third hand tap 三锥
third mate 三副
third mate 三副三副
third octave band 13 倍频带
third officer 三副
third party beneficiary 受益第三人
third party fire and theft 第三者火灾和盗窃责任
third party insurance 第三方保险
third party liability insurance 第三者责任险
third party liability recovery 第三者责任追偿
third party liability 第三者责任
third party of bill of lading acting in good faith 提单的善意第三方
third party to administrative litigation 行政诉讼第三人
third party 第三方
third party 第三人
third party 第三人第三者
third polaris correction 极量第三改正量
third power 三次幂
third purser 第三管事
third quarter of the moon 下弦月
third steward 第三服务员
third substitute 代三旗
third num.
third num.第三
third 第三
third-party attachments 债权人扣押欠债务人债务的第三人的财产
