1、c 语⾔⼊门经典必背 18 个程序1 、 /* 输出 9*9 ⼝诀。共 9 ⾏ 9 列, i 控制⾏, j 控制列。 */#include stdio.h main()int i,j,result; for (i=1;i #include main() float a45,sum1,sum2; int i,j;for(i=0;imain() char c200,c1; int i,j,k;printf(Enter a string: );前端中switch语句
scanf(%s,c);k=strlen(c);for (i=0,j=k-1;i main() char s80,c; int j,k;printf(nEn。
2、ter a string: ); gets(s);printf(nEnter a character: ); c=getchar( );for(j=k=0;sj!= 0;j+) if(sj!=c)sk+=sj;sk= 0;printf(n%s,s);10、 /* 编写⼀个 void sort(int *x,int n) 实现将 x 数组中的 n 个数据从⼤到⼩排序。 n 及数组元素在主函数中输⼊。将结果显⽰在屏幕上并输出到⽂件 p9_1.out 中 */ #includevoid sort(int *x,int n)int i,j,k,t; for(i=0;ixk) k=j; if(k!=i。js在数组指定位置添加元素
3、)t=xi; xi=xk;xk=t;void main()FILE *fp;int *p,i,a10; fp=fopen(p9_1.out,w); p=a;printf(Input 10 numbers:); for(i=0;ix) ai+1=ai; i-; /* 将⽐ x ⼤的数往后移动⼀个位置 */a+i=x;j+; /* 插⼊ x 后元素总个数增加 */ for(i=1;ireplace(char *s,char c1,char c2)
while(*s!=0) if (*s=c1)*s=c2; s+;main() FILE *fp;char str100,a,b; if(fp=fope。
qt messagebox4、n(p10_2.out,w)=NULL) printf(cannot open the filen); exit(0); printf(Enter a string:n); gets(str);printf(Enter a&b:n);
scanf(%c,%c,&a,&b); printf(%sn,str);fprintf(fp,%sn,str); replace(str,a,b);printf(The new string is%sn,str);fprintf(fp,The new string is%sn,str);fclose(fp);13 、 /* 在⼀个字串 s1 中查⼀⼦串 s2 。qq苹果13在线教程
5、,若存在则返回⼦串在主串中的起始位置,不存在则返回 -1 。 */ main()char s16=thisis;char s25=is;printf(%dn,search(s1,s2); system(pause);int search(char s1,char s2)int i=0,j,len=strlen(s2); while(s1i) for(j=0;j=len)return i;else i+;return -1;14 、 /* ⽤指针变量输出结构体数组元素。 */struct studentint num; char *name; char sex; int age;stu5=100。
6、1,lihua,F,18,1002,liuxing,M,19,1003,huangke,F,19,1004,fengshou,F,19,1005,Wangming,M, 18;main()int i;struct student *ps;printf(Num tNametttSextAgetn);/* ⽤指针变量输出结构体数组元素。 */ for(ps=stu;psnum,ps-name,ps-sex,ps-age);/* ⽤数组下标法输出结构体数组元素学号和年龄。 */ for(i=0;inum,p-name,p-age);p=p-next;while(p!=NULL);16 、 /* 输⼊。
7、⼀个字符串,判断其是否为回⽂。回⽂字符串是指从左到右读和从右到左读完全相同的字符串。 */#include #include #include
main() char s100;int i,j,n;printf( 输⼊字符串: n);gets(s); n=strlen(s);for(i=0,j=n-1;i=j) printf( 是回⽂串 n); else printf( 不是回⽂串 n);17 、 /* 冒泡排序,从⼩到⼤,排序后结果输出到屏幕及⽂件 myf2 .out*/#includevoid fun(int a,int n)int i,j,t;for(i= 0 ;iaj+1)transformed造句
8、aj=aj+1;aj+1=t;main()int a10=12,45,7,8,96,4,10,48,2,46,n=10,i; FILE *f;if(f=fopen(myf2 .out ,w)=NULL) printf(open file myf2.out failed!n); fun(a,10);for(i=0;idouble countpi(double eps) /*eps 为允许误差 */int m=1;double temp=1.0,s=0;
while(temp=eps) s+=temp; temp=temp*m/(2*m+1); m+;return(2*s);main()FILE 。
冒泡排序代码c语言9、*fp;double eps=1e-5,pi; if(fp=fopen(p7_3.out,w)=NULL) printf(cannot open the filen); exit(0);pi= countpi(eps);
printf(pi=%lfn,pi); fprintf(fp,pi=%lfn,pi); fclose(fp);“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. In every wonderful l。
10、ife, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learnin
g can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you。