2013/02/28 42933 How can I align 3 divs in one line left-center-right without having to define explicit sizes?
  Left should be aligned most to the left edge, and right to the right edge.
  The following does not work:
 div  left /div  div  right /div  div  center /div  16
 Add a wrapper div and give text-align:center
  .wrap{ text-align:center HTML
 div  div  left /div  div  right /div  div  center sdv dg sdb sdfbh sdfhfdhh h dfh /div  /div  DEMOtext align center
 Heres an example of how to do this by placing the floats in the correct order.
  jsFiddle Example
 div left /div  div right /div  div center /div  0
 It’s not possible actually do it, without knowing about the content and layout pattern. But for a begining point, you can try this:
