CoreUI Vue (CoreUI Vue)
This is Vue.js version of our Bootstrap 4 admin template CoreUI.
这是我们Bootstrap 4管理模板CoreUI的Vue.js版本。
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请在产品搜寻和设计师新闻上帮助我们。 提前致谢!
Why I decided to create CoreUI? Please read this article: Jack of all trades, master of none. Why Boostrap Admin Templates suck.
为什么我决定创建CoreUI? 请阅读这篇⽂章:万事通,⽆精打采。 为什么Boostrap管理模板很烂。
CoreUI is an Open Source Vue & Bootstrap Admin Template. But CoreUI is not just another Admin Template. It goes way beyond hitherto admin templates thanks to transparent code and file structure. And if that's not enough, let’s just add that CoreUI consists bunch of unique features and over 1000 high quality icons.
CoreUI是⼀个开源Vue&Bootstrap管理模板。 但是CoreUI不仅仅是另⼀个管理模板。 得益于透明的代码和⽂件结构,它远远超越了迄今为⽌的管理模板。 如果这还不够,我们只需添加⼀下CoreUI就可以了,它包含许多独特的功能和1000多个⾼质量的图标。
CoreUI is based on Bootstrap 4 and offers 6 versions: HTML5 AJAX, HTML5 Static, AngularJS, Angular 2+, React.js & Vue.js.
CoreUI基于Bootstrap 4,并提供6个版本:HTML5 AJAX,HTML5静态,AngularJS,Angular 2 +,React.js和Vue.js。
CoreUI is meant to be the UX game changer. Pure & transparent code is devoid of redundant components, so the app is light enough to offer ultimate user experience. This means mobile devices also, where the navigation is just as easy and intuitive as on a desktop or laptop. The CoreUI Layout API lets you customize your project for almost any device – be it Mobile, Web or WebApp – CoreUI covers them all!
CoreUI旨在成为UX游戏改变者。 纯透明的代码没有多余的组件,因此该应⽤程序⾜够轻巧,可以提供最终的⽤户体验。 这也意味着移动设备,其导航就像在台式机或笔记本电脑上⼀样简单直观。 CoreUI Layout API允许您针对⼏乎任何设备(移动设备,Web或WebApp)⾃定义项⽬,CoreUI涵盖了
安装 (Installation)
克隆回购 (Clone repo)
# clone the repo
$ git clone github/coreui/coreui-free-vue-admin-template.git CoreUI-Vue
# go into app's directory
$ cd CoreUI-Vue
# install app's dependencies
$ npm install
⽤法 (Usage)
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run serve
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# run linter
npm run lint
# run unit tests
npm run test:unit
# run e2e tests
npm run test:e2e
For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the .
有关⼯作原理的详细说明,请参阅《 。
包含什么 (What's included)
Within the download you'll find the following directories and files:在下载中,您将到以下⽬录和⽂件:
├── public/              # pure static assets (directly copied)
│└── index.html          # index.html template
├── src/                # project root
│├── assets/                # module assets (processed by webpack)
││└── scss/              # user styles
│├── components/            # ui components
│├── containers/            # ui containers
│├── router/                # routing
│├── shared/                # utils
│├── views/                  # ui views
│├── _nav.js                # sidebar nav config
│├── App.vue                # main app component
│└── main.js                # app entry file
├── test/
│└── unit/            # unit tests
│└── e2e/            # e2e tests
├── .eslintrc.js        # eslint config
├── .gitignore          # defaults for gitignore
├── .postcssrc.js        # postcss config
├── README.md
├── fig.js      # babel config
├── fig.js      # jest config
├── fig.js        # vue-cli config
└── package.json        # build scripts and dependencies
